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Hello & welcome!

My name is Anna Pieczyńska...

Since 1994 I've been the owner of the most wonderful breed, which is the Hovawart. On my webpage I try to share as much information as it is possible about this great breed and also about my dogs and me ;-) I have to admit, immodestly ;-), that during last 20 years my website has grown up so much that probably it became the largest private hovawart - website in the internet (if you know bigger one please let me know ;-). Webpage is still expanding and almost every day updated. I hope you'll find here lots of valuable information, see thousands photos of dogs from whole Europe and spend nice time ;-)

More Info About Me

On the left side you can find menu from where you can easily move to another pages.

"News" is section where I put current updates on website and inform about successes of my dogs and their family. In "News Archive" are all news from previous years. If you want to know what had happened by me and my dogs in last few years - be my guest ;-)

In the section "About me" you'll find infos about me, my kennel and my breeding rules, e.i. what I go by when I mate the dogs, what to I pay the biggest attention and what dogs my hovawart example show and what are just incorrect according to the breed standard. After many years I felt mature to be the breeder. And in any case a breeder who has a female and has to reproduce her. I want to be conscious, ambitious breeder who is pursueing his goals. After more than 15 years of learning, knowledge earning how to make up dogs, how to rear and lead them, I believe I`ll be finally able to carry my ideas into effect :-) In this section I also write about hovawart meetings and camps I organized and about mentality tests for puppies I execute in each kennel which has such wish.

Very extensive section is the information area "Hovawart - About the breed". It consists of subpages: "Breed description", "Standard", "History", "Genetics", "Health", "Hovawarts in Europe", "Statistics for breed", "Good to know".

"Breed description" it`s hovawart in a nutshell.

"Standard" shows FCI Hovawart Breed Standard Nr 190.

"History of the breed" is a very interesting section dealing with the origin of hovawart, but also contains information about the level of hovis in european countries and Poland, breeding rules in Germany and statistics of polish hovis, as well as observations about polish exhibitions organized by the Kennel Club.

"Genetics" is an interesting description where from come different hovis colours and theoretical-genetic information about breeding ;-)

"Health" is a description of the most important diseases that occur in a breed.

For all interested in not only polish hovawarts, I prepared the site "Hovawarts in Europe", where you can find lots of photos of many known and respected hovis out of last 30 years, mostly from breed homeland. On this webpage you will find hovawart image as he should be. There are champions of Germany, Europe, World, Clubs Winners - dogs which impressed me and who I consider to be standard breed representatives or even though the ones who should be found among european "Hovis elite", because of their successes.

"Statistics for breed" it`s section, which concerns statistics for hovis in Poland, it is divided into three parts: general statistics, litters statistics as for years and shows statistics as for years.

A very important section is "Good to know". Everyone should read it. It applies to breeding in Poland, unreliable breeders and breeding requirements for the hovawart breed in Poland. There are also examples of exteriors faults found by hovawarts.

Next section is "Our dogs", which is divided into the subpage "About my dogs", where my breeding doggies were described, then into current "Brud females", "Retired" (females over 8 years old) and "In Memoriam". By each of my dogs there are links to their pedigrees, family photos, offspring and their personal galleries where they tell about their lives.

The most important section is "Breeding", it is divided into: "Our litters" - it`s page about puppies born by us, recapitulation of our pupils is "Litters table"; then on "Stud males", i.e. breeding males from our kennel; and the last section "Our Grandkids" - this is a subpage where I present puppies from litters that I planned, usually based on descendants of my boys.

In section "Puppies" you'll find current and planned litters from different matings, usually foreign, which I plan of many months advance, taking into consideration many aspects but most of all origin, health and mentality of parents.
On the "Puppies" page there is also a subpage "What I expect from the buyer of my puppy".

We're coming to the end ;-) Section "My judgings" are photos from shows in which I participated as a judge :)

Section "Links" is a list of many hovis and dogs` webpages in whole Europe.

At the end of the list there is e-mail and Contact to me. There are also instant messenger and Skype details, but please write me email before for authorization.

So, dear visitor, if you have any questions, would like to talk about Hovawarts, buy a puppy (from home breeding, with puppies raised in a nice, family atmosphere) or you need advice about stud male for your female in your country or abroad - feel free to write or call me!