I recommend following stud males from my breeding line. The following males have breeding licenses of the FCI organizations and they breed females only from the FCI organizations. If you are interested in one of them, please contact me.
Parents: 3 x BOB, 3 x BOS, HD A2 Farmwatch Snow Shadow & Int.Ch. Dt.Vdh.Ch. Dt.Klub.Ch. PL.Ch. PL.Gr.Ch. Dt.Vdh.Jun.Ch. Dt.Klub.Jun.Ch. PL.Jun.Ch. Ukr.Jun.Ch. Öst.BundesSg., German Winner, PL.Win., Amsterdam Win., FCI-EJS, VDH-EJS, BJS, Fin.Klub Jun.Win., PL.Jun.Win. HD A, ED 0/0 Enormous Over the Moon

Health: HD A, ED 0/0
Training: BH
Mentality test: JB (HU), ZTP (HU)
Titles: Hungary Champion, Hungary Junior Champion, 6 x CAC, CACIB, R.CACIB, 3 x BOB
Lives in: Budapest, Hungary
Number of litters: 0
Siblings: Litter "C2"
Parents: Austria Ch., Austria Jun.Ch., 3 x Austria Club Winner 2017 & 2018 & 2019, BGH 1, FH 1, RH-FL A, ZTP, HD A1 Ari de Excubitor & Int.Ch. Dt.Vdh.Ch. Dt.Klub.Ch. PL.Ch. PL.Gr.Ch. Dt.Vdh.Jun.Ch. Dt.Klub.Jun.Ch. PL.Jun.Ch. Ukr.Jun.Ch. Öst.BundesSg., German Winner, PL.Win., Amsterdam Win., FCI-EJS, VDH-EJS, BJS, Fin.Klub Jun.Win., PL.Jun.Win. HD A, ED 0/0 Enormous Over the Moon
Health: HD A, ED 0/0, eyes - free, DM N/N
Training: BH, PPAK
Mentality test: passed
Titles: Int.Ch. CIE, Lithuania Champion, Latvia Champion, Estonia Champion, Lithuania Junior Champion, Latvia Junior Champion, v-ce World Winner 2024 (exc.1/6 CAC R.CACIB), Lithuania Winner`24 & BOB, Vilnius Winner`24 & BOB, Latvia Moloss Club Winner`24, Latvia Junior Club Winner`22 & BOB, Vilnius Junior Winner`22 & BOB, exc.2/42 Club Show Fulda`22, 12 x BOB, 7 x CACIB,
Lives in: Riga, Latvia
Number of litters: 0
Siblings: Litter "B2"
Parents: Int.Ch., PL.Ch., Lux.Ch., Dt.VDH Ch., Dt.RZV KL.Ch., VDH Eur.Win. & BOB`98, v-ce FCI Eur.Win.`00, v-ce German Win.`98, Lux.Win.`00, Fr.Win.`00, 3 x PL.Win., PL Club Win. & BOB & BIS`98, PL Club Win.`01, TAN (Fr), PT I, IPO 1, HD A1 Aggy Oldtyr & Int.Ch. C.I.E., PL.Ch., LT.Ch., PL.Jun.Ch., Club Jun. Win., HD A, ED 0/0 Enormous Just One Look

Health: HD A, ED 0/0, eyes - free
Titles: Italian Ch., CACIB, BOB
Lives in: Torricella in Sabina, Italy
Number of litters: 3
Siblings: Litter "A2"
Health: HD A, ED 0/0
Training: BH, MT 1, MT 2
Mentality test: passed
Titles: Pl.Grand Ch., PL.Ch., PL.Jun.Ch. CACIB, BOB, CQ
Lives in: Niesułowice, Poland
Number of litters: 0
Siblings: Litter "Z"

Health: HD A, ED 0/0, OCD-free, DM N/N
Mentality test: JB (NL), ZTP (NL)
Lives in: Horssen, the Netherlands
Number of litters: 0
Siblings: Litter "X"

Health: HD A, DM N/N, thyroid - healthy
Lives in: Stony Stratford, Great Britain
Number of litters: 4
Siblings: Litter "V"

Health: HD A, ED 0/0, DM N/N
Training: PT 1
Mentality test: passed
Titles: PL.Grand Ch., PL.Ch., PL.Jun.Ch., PL.Winner`24, 6 x CACIB, 7 x BOB, CQ
Lives in: Bedzin, Poland
Number of litters: 3
Siblings: Litter "V"
Parents: Austria Club Winner 2016, BH, BGH1, HD A2 Igor vom Tullnerbach & Int.Ch. Dt.Vdh.Ch. Dt.Klub.Ch. PL.Ch. PL.Gr.Ch. Dt.Vdh.Jun.Ch. Dt.Klub.Jun.Ch. PL.Jun.Ch. Ukr.Jun.Ch. Öst.BundesSg., German Winner, PL.Win., Amsterdam Win., FCI-EJS, VDH-EJS, BJS, Fin.Klub Jun.Win., PL.Jun.Win. HD A, ED 0/0 Enormous Over the Moon

Health: HD A, ED 0/0, heart - free, DM N/N
Training: OKD 2, ZKS 1
Titles: Belarus Champion, Breed Champion, Belarus Winner`21, 12 x CAC, 4 x CACIB, 10 x BOB, CQ
Lives in: Minsk, Belarus
Number of litters: 1
Siblings: Litter "U"

Health: HD A, ED 0/0, eyes - free
Titles: Int.Ch. CIE, Estonia Champion, Latvia Champion, Lithuania Champion, Baltic Champion, Estonia Winner`23, Latvian Winner`21, 4 x CACIB, 4 x BOB, CQ
Lives in: Tallin, Estonia
Number of litters: 1
Siblings: Litter "S"
Parents: Int.Ch.CIB & CIE, IHF, CR., CMKU, SK., PL., Aus. Ch., Grandch., CR., SK.Jun.Ch., FCI European Winner 2018 & BOB, World Winner 2017, 2 x Aus. SK., CR. Win., BH, IPO 1, ZM, ZOP, ZTP (CR), HD A, ED 0/0 Aik Carpathia Heart & Int.Ch. C.I.E., PL.Ch., LT.Ch., PL.Jun.Ch., Club Jun. Win., HD A, ED 0/0 Enormous Just One Look

Health: HD A (BVA 3/5), thyroid - healthy
Lives in: Edith Weston, Great Britain
Number of litters: 2
Siblings: Litter "R"
Parents: Int.Ch.CIB & CIE, IHF, CR., CMKU, SK., PL., Aus. Ch., Grandch., CR., SK.Jun.Ch., FCI European Winner 2018 & BOB, World Winner 2017, 2 x Aus. SK., CR. Win., BH, IPO 1, ZM, ZOP, ZTP (CR), HD A, ED 0/0 Aik Carpathia Heart & Int.Ch. C.I.E., PL.Ch., LT.Ch., PL.Jun.Ch., Club Jun. Win., HD A, ED 0/0 Enormous Just One Look

Health: HD A, ED 0/0
Titles: Interchampion CIE, Poland Champion, Lithuania Champion, Ukraine Champion, Ukraine Junior Champion, Poland Junior Champion, Ukraine Club Winner`21 & BOB (23 hovis), Ukraine Winner`19 & BOB, Lithuania Winner`23 & BOB, FCI European Junior Winner`18 & Best Junior, Mid-East European Junior Winner`18 & BOB, 30 x CAC, 20 x CACIB, 30 x BOB
Lives in: Kharkov, Ukraine
Number of litters: 5
Siblings: Litter "R"
Www website: Richi`s web
Parents: CAC - Tervakoski 2016, 4th Best Male Tervakoski 2014 & 2016, exc.1/12 Veteran Winner - Tervakoski 2016, ZTP (Fin), HD A, ED 0/0 Steinroller Odd-Leif & Int.Ch. C.I.B. C.I.E., Dt.VDH Ch., Lux.Ch., PL.Ch., PL.Jun.Ch., VDH Eur.Win, World Jun.Win., VDH Eur.Jun.Win., Schw.Klub Jun.Win.+BOB, PL.Win.+BOB, PL.Jun.Win., OB 0, PT 1, PT 2, BH, IPO1, HD A, ED 0/0 Enormous Brilliant Vegas

Health: HD A, ED 0/0, DM N/N, locus D/D, eyes - free, thyroid - healthy
Mentality test: NZB, JB (NL M.Kunze), ZTP (NL K.Wesche)
Titles: Int.Ch. CIE, NL.Ch., Belg.Ch., Lux.Ch., NL.Jun.Ch., Lux.Win.`19 & BOB, NL Club Win.`18 & BOB, Amsterdam Win.`18 & BOB, NL Club Jun.Win.`17 & BJ, HerbstSg.& BOB`18, HerbstJdSg.`17, Amsterdam Jun.Win.`17, CQ
Lives in: Nederweert Eind, Netherlands
Number of litters: 3
Siblings: Litter "O"
Www website: Janssen`s web

Health: HD A, ED 0/0, DN N/N, thyroid - healthy, eyes & heart - free
Mentality test: NZB, passed
Titles: Int.Ch. CIE, German VDH Champion, Poland Champion, Poland Junior Champion, PL Club Winner 2019 & BOB, Austria Winner Bundessieger 2018 & BOB, BOB Erfurt`18, BOB Tulln`18
Lives in: Warszawa, Poland
Number of litters: 4
Siblings: Litter "M"

Health: HD A, DM N/N, thyroid - healthy, eyes - free
Training: BH
Mentality test: Verhalten III, Körung (HZD)
Titles: German VDH Jun.Ch., German Club Jun.Ch., VDH Euro Junior Winner`16, Herbstjugendsieger`16
Lives in: Lienen, Germany
Number of litters: 5
Siblings: Litter "L"
Www website: Eddy`s web