Hip - dysplasia: HD A (0/0)
Elbows: ED 0/0
Eyes: free from genetic heart diseases
Heart: free from genetic heart diseases
DM (Laboklin): tested
Mentality tests: passed (PL)
Interchampion C.I.E. FCI
Poland Champion
Poland Junior Champion
3 x Junior Winner
3 x Best Junior
5 x CWC
4 x CACIB (Kielce, Posusje, Trivignano Udinese, Lubin)
3 x BOB
1 x BOS
Club Best Minor Puppy 2017
Juna - our black devil :) She had a sad childhood, once she was an only child and two unhappily orphaned :( Actually fed and raised completely by me. I expected after the pedigree she is going to be a small motorboat, but the reality was of course beyond expectations ;) Juńcia is full of beans, chasing and catching everything that moves or hangs, whether it is a leaf or a flying bird, or unfortunately hanging laundry ;) Energy she has for 3 dogs, can run forever, good she has with whom ;) For now we learn obedience and play much ;) Juna is my daughter's beloved doggy and she works with her and trains her.
From exteriour she is a medium-sized female with very nice anatomy, long tail and beautiful black coat. She has perfectly angulated limbs and great movement. On the first show - Moloss Club Show she became the Best Minor Puppy (among 4 puppies). She quickly finished junior and adult Polish Championship, both on 3 shows and in the shortest possible time. Despite the fact that she doesn't like exhibitions, in January 2020 she finished the International Championship in great style by winning the Best of Breed out of 12 hovis :) I'm so proud of her!
Juna's pedigree from the father's side is german best working lines, after her mother has come a great temperament and madness in the eyes ;) Our common adventure looks like to be certainly not boring ;))
In year 2019 and 2020 she passed all health tests and in February 2020 we are expecting her first litter :) We are very curious how she checks up as a mother and breeding female. From her first litter we have several champions and Club Winners in 3 countries! And also dogs working in IGP.
Juna was much luckier than her mother during her first years of breeding and gave us beautiful litters until one of the studs infected her with venereal bacteria. The following years were a series of misfortunes and more infections from males. In 2025, after 3 years, we are finally expecting another litter from Juna.