Enormous Bass Annel
Enormous Black Dream
Enormous Black Magic
Enormous Blaze of Glory
Enormous Blue Dahlia
Enormous Brilliant Vegas
Parents of the "B" litter:
Father: Conny von Ascona (black), Germany (Conny`s sites)
International Beauty Champion (C.I.B.), Champion of Germany VDH, Czech Republik, Poland, Poland Junior, PL Club Winner 2002, PT, IPO1, ZTP, HD A1, free from genetic eye deaseses
Maggy von Jesses Meute (black & gold), import from Germany (Maggy`s sites)
International Show Champion (C.I.E.), Champion of Poland & Ukraina, v-ce World Winner Bratislava 2009, Polish Club Winner + BOB 2008, Best of Breed Club Show 2013 & BIS Veteran & BIS Moloss Club Show, PT 1, HD A1, free from genetic eye deaseses