Hip - dysplasia: HD A (0/0)
OCD: free
Eyes: free from genetic eyes diseases
Mentality tests: passed (max. - PL), ZTP (Germany)
Training: Obedience Dog I, IPO I
Without doubts one of the best Hovawarts studmales in Europe.
Interchampion FCI
Poland Champion
German VDH Champion
Czech Champion
Poland Junior Champion
Lithuania Winner `01
PL Club Winner '02
Veteran World Winner `06
3 x Junior Winner
20 x CWC/CAC/CACA/VDH (from 5 countries)
Conny is a typical German hovawart, as well in appearance as mentally. He has an excellent, frankly outstanding ancestry, what has appreciated many foreign breeders. Conny has passed without any problems polish mentality tests, but what`s most important - also German ZTP. He`s the best mentally Hovawart in Poland for sure and what`s the most important he hands down this to his children. Working with him is only a pleasure, as well for him as for me.
With truly satisfication Conny is able to be proud of titled offspring in Poland, Belgium, Czechy, France, Holland, Hungary, Italy, Norway, Russia, Slovakia and in Sweden. What is more, he already has a numerous bunch of grandkids in Poland, Austria, Czechy, Estonia, France, Germany, Holland, Italy, Lithuania, Russia and in Slovakia.
Conny`s pride are his offspring titles: 24 Polish Championships and Polish Junior Championships, 3 Interchampionships, IHF Championship, 4 Czech and Slovakia Championships, 2 France Championships, Luxemburg Champion, Lithuania Champion, Latvia Champion, Russia Champion, Hungaria Champion, Hungarian Junior Championship, World Junior Winnership `09, Veteran World Winnership `09, FCI European Winnership `03, v-ce FCI European Winner `03, Swiss Club Junior Winnership + BOB - Aarau 2010, France Club Winnership + BOB `05, Czech Club Winnership, 2 Mid&East Europa Winnership, Czech Winnership, 3 IHF Special Hovawart Shows in Czech and Slovakia Winnerships + BOB, 2 France Winnerships, 2 Poland Winnerships, Polish Club Winnership + BOB, 2 Polish Club Junior Winnerships, Slovakia Club Junior Winnership, VDH European Junior Winnership `10, v-ce VDH European Junior Winnership, Poland Junior Winnership `09! He`s also a grandfather of 30 Polish Champions, 14 Polish Junior Champions, 4 Interchampions, 2 Latvia Champions, Lithuania Champion, 4 Russia Champions, Estonia Champion, Ukraina Champion, 15 Czech Champions, 10 Slovakia Champions, 6 Czech Junior Champions, Slovakia Junior Champion, 2 Russia Junior Champions, 2 Lithuania Junior Champions, World Winner + BOB `09, FCI European Winner + BOB `05, v-ce FCI European Winner `06, v-ce World Winner `06, World Junior Winner `06, PL Club Winner + BOB `06, 6 Czech Club Winners `06 `07 `08 `09 + BOB, Czech Club Junior Winner + BOB `05, Czech Club Junior Winner `08, 4 Slovakia Club Winners `06 `07 `08 `09, Slovakia Club Junior Winner `07, Hungary Club Winner `08 + BOB, France Club Winner `08, Austria Winner `07, Poland Winner `05, Poland Junior Winner `05, Poland Club Junior Winner `10 and many Best of Breed Winners on IHF Special Hovawart Shows in Czech and Slovakia. To sum up, Conny is a father of 6 Club Winners in 4 countries!
But the most important Conny`s "Victories" are his offspring HD results, their menatlity testes results and Obedience and IPO exams. Concy can be really proud of the fact, that till now, all his HD x-rayd kids (more than 50) from different combinations, in different countries, were clasified as HD free, among them 90 % with the best result HD A1! All his kids that were to pass the mentality tests, managed that without any problems, and his grandkids from abroad breeding his daughters, frankly sensationally ;-)
About the fact, that Conny proved himself such well in breeding as a stud-male, betrays, besides shows and trainings successes of his offspring, that practically each breeder who had pups from him, left for his further breeding at least one of his offspring and some foreign breeders, even two. I`m in honour about it ;-) He is the father of 13 stud-males and 26 brud-bitches in few european countries. Till year 2010 in whole Europa there were already born 87 litters Conny`s grandkids and 116 litters great grandkids!!
Conny finished his show career on World Show in Poznań. For posterity we have good news - Conny`s sperm was frosen and is waiting for better times ;-))
Conny passed away to better world in december year 2009 ;-((((
I would like here to thank once more all for their hard work with hovis and wish all old and new members of "our family" - Good Luck!