28.12.2010 | Last inscription in this year, again some new photos: one picture of Annel from B litter, one of trainings of Cherokee`s from C litter, girls from D litter - Dolly, Pleun (all over Aggy ;-) and Furia, from E litter - Rick. Steamy`s daughter - Obra Akwamaryn on the walk with our Dolly. And Aggy`s marvellous grandson - Romeo - Rens.
Las but not least Vegas on the defence training. New Year will begin from many gifts, feel welcome in few days ;-))
19.12.2010 | Conny... [`] It`s already a year ;-((((((((((((((((((((((((
15.12.2010 | In our Kennel Club Magazine "PIES" ("DOG"), on the last page there is an advertisement of Husse food with Madra in main part ;-))
13.12.2010 | Next offcial result of hips and elbows exam (delayed because of heat): Enormous Blue Dahlia - HD A, ED 0/0. Excellent ;-)
There are 4 dogs from last year litters left. Owners of Annel, Morrus and Caius promised already 4 months ago to do the examination, after many talks and asks, their own choosen new term is December. Also Heban`s owners gave such term. So we patiently wait... Hard life has demanding breeder ;-)
11.12.2010 | National Show in Nowy Dwór Mazowiecki (Poland), the last one in this year. Very nice meeting of our hovis family, it appeared 5 dogs from my kennel, 4 was shown and Vegas was socially. Madra won Best of Breed and finished adult Polish Championship within only 6,5 months. Best Puppy became Enormous Dolce Vita - Dolly, and Best Junior Steamy`s daughter - Osabra Akwamaryn.
Thereby Enormous Kennel show season 2010, so successful, is closed
After the show we had very nice, although snowy, hovis family walk, I`m very thankful to all of you for company ;)
09.12.2010 | Again new pictures, this time of: from B litter - Blaze and Dream, from E litter - Rick, Nela, Jet and Miskey. I`m very thankful the owners for remembrance ;)
01.12.2010 | Many thanks to owners for photos of: Dolly, Pleun, Herbi, Erato, Jet and Miskey. Beautiful views with Aggy`s grandson - Romeo - Rens Estilo ;-)
29.11.2010 | Happy Birthday "A" Litter due to fourth anniversary!
22.11.2010 | Good news: Enormous C`est La Vie has excellent hips and elbows results HD A & ED 0/0 ;-))
21.11.2010 | Enormous Blaze of Glory passes PT 1 exam (polish obedience) for note very good and 186 points. Congratulations! And her sister who lives in Italy starts first time on big show International in Genova and gets CAC and R.CACIB! I`m so proud of you girls!
20-21.11.2010 | Enormous Cherokee Chef on two International Shows in Minsk (Byelorussia) wins two CACIBs and BOBs by judges from Sweden and Ukraina, thanks to he became Byelorussia Champion! It is already fifth adult championship for this 21-months old male! Congratulations!
20.11.2010 | Vegas passed today excellent mentality tests, so she fulfilled the last requirement for breeding female.
Together with Vegas passed also mentality tests Conny`s granddaughter - Xenya Stella Polaris, who did IPO1 exam already in may and now is also new breeding female. Congratulations!
19.11.2010 | New pictures of D litter girls: Dolly, Pleun and Furia. As you can see Pleun and Jet are best friends. And addionally their beautiful fellow, Aggy`s grandson - Romeo - Rens.
16-17.11.2010 | Having opportunity of being in south of Poland, I went to visit my E litter pups who live in Nowy Sącz and hence new pictures of Easy and Envy, they grow very nice and play with each other with big fun. And new owners have sent current pics also of Erato, Jet and Miskey.
16.11.2010 | I was to visit Steamy`s youngest kids, 7 weeks old B-Best Hovki pups. I did mentality tests to them, described them and took many photos... They grew very nice, are big, of strong bone, with strong, broad heads, dark eyes and excellent angulations. They have all marks, some have more, other less. From character they are very friendly, of medium temperament, they react very nice on strange person, play willingly. Good homes only to wish.
14.11.2010 | International Show in Kielce (Poland) and debut of ous small Enormous Black Magic, in beautifuls style she run up for CWC, CACIB and Best Female title ;-)) Congratulations!
07.11.2010 | International Show in Posen (Poland) for Poland Winner title and again our kennel success ;-)) Poland Winner and CACIB became Enormous Blaze of Glory from intermediate class!!! Bravo Hania! Madra won open class although she lost her all hair week ago ;-) Poland Junior Winner and Best Junior for beautiful Steamy`s daughter - Osabra Akwamaryn! Photos from the show.
05.11.2010 | Steamy`s beautiful son - Erik Estilo.
04.11.2010 | Uff, a load off my mind, our small star came safetly and happy to Cape Town ;-)) She feels grate, played whole day, trip didn`t make any impression on her, my smart, lovely girl ;-)) Now all are happy, her new family, small Miskey and me.
So we introduce our E litter kids: Eagle Wind, Easy Rider, Enfant Terrible, Enjoy the Music, Envy Me, Erato Akwamaryn, Essential Evidence and Evening Star.
03.11.2010 | Today our last small girl from E litter flyed to South Africa. She needs to do long trip but in recompense waits for her the most wonderful home in the world ;-) Our temperamental Evening Star will be the first hovi in South Africa! More - from Poland ;-) We are very happy and we hope, she will conquer this country and propagate the breed. Kelly, I keep my fingers crossed for you!!
31.10.2010 | New pictures of Enormous Deja Vue e.i. Pleun, our girl grows just wonderful ;)
And new photos of Steamy`s ukrainian kids - Darkflame Akiro, Antares & Aloha, who already are successful on shows in junior class ;-)
28.10.2010 | Good news: our Enormous Cherokee Chef and Steamy`s son - Erik Estilo have excellent hips and elbows results HD A & ED 0/0 ;-))
27.10.2010 | Today our boy from E litter flyed to Russia, at home stayed only last girl, who has flight reservation for wednesday.
Steamy`s youngest kids from litter B-Best Hovki play already nice tricks.
24.10.2010 | E litter is ready with their 8 weeks. In this last, it happened most, Monday tatoos, chips for emigrants, vacinations, litter check, pedigrees, all documents for export, etc. Tuesday rest, Wendsday mentality tests and blood tests for export trip, Thursday free, Friday expedition to the wood already with a company of first new owners and Saturday whole polish five went in new trip to new homes. Sunday first export girl flew to Netherlands. Other 2 travellers fly to new homes during coming week. Back reports from new homes are very nice, positive and happy for me, pups become quickly acclimatized, are very good, social, eat well and make pipi outside. We wish new families only pleasure out of dogs and that dreams come true, for pups we wish loving families and always full dish. See you soon my E-kids ;-)
17.10.2010 | 7 weeks of E litter: next visits, but also first car trip and walk on the meadow following mum Maggy ;)
15-17.10.2010 | I have an honour to take part in marvellous event, organized through my friends from Ukraine, from Kharkov, owners of Cherokee - Lena and Viktor. These wonderful people promote and popularize hovawart as it is only possible in Ukraine and Russia. They have managed to invite breed special judge from Austria - Sabina Kerschner, who is figurant, trainer and active breeder in one. Together with Sabina we had unquestionable pleasure to observe three days their hovis in work, to hold working-show-breeding seminar and take part in two shows: Hovawart Championship (Club Show) and International Show in Kharkov (judge from Poland E.Chwalibóg). I won`t write about shows because practically all hovis were out of hair after hot summer and smog in Moscow, registered was fully 27 and it is most important! For me personally the most pleasent thing was to meet again my pups: Ariora, Abwehr, Annel and Cherokee, and also Steamy`s sons: Erik and Akiro. There were also lots of my grandkids, it was completely familiar. Together with Sabina we are till now under grate impression of enthusiasm and working zest there living owners and their hovis. We are very happy of large interest figurants and trainers with this seminar and willingness for working with hovis. We wish you many successes. And once more grate thanksgiving and bows for hosts - Lena and Viktor!
10.10.2010 | 6 weeks of E litter: visits, visits and once more socialization, with strange dogs and people, and of course lots of playing ;)
10.10.2010 | National Show in Legionowo (Poland): Vegas became Best of Breed again and finishes in wonderful style adult Polish Championship: 3 shows, exactly 6 months and age of 21 months and 3 days, e.i. total minimum ;-) Such a star ;-)))
10.10.2010 | Aggy... [`]
06.10.2010 | Photos from shows in Celje: Club Show, FCI Euro Show.
03.10.2010 | True madness on our super puppy toy ground, e.i. 5 weeks of E litter ;-)))))))))))
29-30.09.2010 | Hovawart Club and FCI European Show in Celje (Slovenia), judges accordingly Michael Kunze RZV and Christofer Habig VDH, number of registered dogs poorly, 49 i 31. From our kennel showed themselves siblings from C litter, e.i. Cherokee and Madra. Both supported kennel honour and won on both shows intermediate class, as the only one with excellent notes, thanks to they could get adult Slovenia Championships! What`s interesting, they were only hovawarts, who won on both shows their class and got championships ;-)
27.09.2010 | Steamy became father again, also this time of 8 black&tan babys in Best Hovki kennel.
26.09.2010 | International Show in Breslau (Poland): our Blaze gets excellent note, first place, CWC & R.CACIB certificates. Congratulations!
International Show in Tulln (Austria), father of the E litter - Tacuba v.d. Hausbergkante, wins working class and gets last needed CACA certificate for Austria Champion!! We are very happy and congratulations to Akos ;-))
Also today E - kids are 4 weeks old, they had very active week, because of 4 visits of friends and future owners, first time they went on the grass where they are learning to make pipi ;-), they met the rest of our dogs` herd and they tried puppys` food, wich they found delicious ;-)
19.09.2010 | Time goes, E - kids are already 3 weeks old. They run, play, fight with each other, have small needle-teeth and above all they grow. They look now like small hovis yet ;-)-
18-19.09.2010 | Two International Shows in Zaporozhie (Ukraine): first day our Enormous Cherokee Chef gets again CACIB, Best Male and Best of Breed titles. Next day CACIB, Best Male and Best of Breed goes to Steamy`s son - Erik Estilo. Both days Best Junior gets another Steamy`s son - Darkflame Akiro. Congratulations!
18.09.2010 | New pictures of our D litter girls: Dolce Vita - Dolly (movies), Deja Vue - Pleun and De Facto Furia and of Steamy`s daughters: Obra, Osabra & Oya Akwamaryn.
16.09.2010 | Enormous Coen Grant: HD A, ED 0/0! We are very happy and congratulate ;)
12.09.2010 | We are two weeks old ;-) We have opened our eyes, we can already (nearly) walk, we bark, we make pipi powerly and we grow under mummies watchful eye ;-)
12.09.2010 | Moloss Club Show in Warsaw, judge Per Kr Andersen from Norway. As Vegas made up her mind to loose her hair finally, kennel`s honours supported Madra and with quite nice results, cause she won all comparisons with champions and became Club Winner and Best of Breed, and in final competitions she was BIS 3 (third place), judge Jan Gajewski! Show debut had our small Dolly - Enormous Dolce Vita, 3 months and 5 days, Best Baby, and in final competitions IV Best Baby of the Show ;-) It`s really rarity that up two hovis were located in final BIS, so we are double happy ;-)) Conny`s grandson - Zodiak Stella Polaris, Club Junior Winner and Best Junior. Huge congratulations for all!
11.09.2010 | National Show in Warsaw and Steamy`s daughter - Obra Akwamaryn debut: Best Puppy ;-) Congratulations!
05.09.2010 | Enormous Black Dream was finally shown, on National Show in Savona (Italy), where she got excellent 1 note, CAC and Best of Breet title. Congratulations! We keep our fingers crossed for next conquests ;-)
05.09.2010 | Our E pups are already one week old. They eat, sleep, grow. Such small piranha-louses ;-) Unbelievable that one week old blonds have already full pigmented feet and noses ;-)))
04-05.09.2010 | Two International Shows in Dnepropetrovsk (Ukraine): our young Cherokee whips all champions and becomes twice Best Male with CACIB and Best of Breed! Huge congratulations!!!
04.09.2010 | Dottir became grandmother again ;-)) Enormous Abwehr von Olaf is the proud father, this time, of 9 pups, blond and black&tan, born in Ukraine.
04.09.2010 | International Show in Krakowie: Madra wins intermediate class and following comparisons, gets CACIB and becomes Best Female. Conny`s grandkids: Looker Pine Copse wins all comparisons, gets CACIB and becomes Best of Breed! So he finishes Polish Championship ;-) Zaragoza Stella Polaris Best Junior and finished Polish Junior Championship. Congratulations!
29.08.2010 | Day before expected was born our long waited E litter from Maggy and Tacuba. As always all by Maggy delievery went quickly, easy and pleasantly. The litter is very equal, both as it goes about sexes as colour, again we have 3 colours ;-) Beautiful marked, without white spots... Let it go so further... All pups are initially reserved.
28.08.2010 | International Show in Białystok (Poland): Steamy`s son - Ekler Estilo Best Junior and finished Polish Junior Championship. Congratulations! Conny`s grandkids: Looker Pine Copse victory in open class CWC R.CACIB, Zaragoza Stella Polaris Junior Winner.
New pictures of Enormous Cherokee Chef.
27.08.2010 | Please look at movies from Enormous Bass Annel trainings ;-)
26.08.2010 | We are little bit late cause the heat, but results are most important, hips and elbows with best notes:
Enormous Blaze of Glory - HD A, ED 0/0
Enormous Black Magic - HD A, ED 0/0
Enormous Brilliant Vegas - HD A, ED 0/0
Enormous Charme Madra - HD A, ED 0/0
Huraa!! ;-))))))) Next RTGs are on the way ;-))
21.08.2010 | Enormous Blaze of Glory started for the first time in OB 0 contests in Breslau and got very good note with 78,5 points. Bravo Hania!
20.08.2010 | Some more photos of Grant. And in Madra`s gallery beautiful photo session. On the www of expected E litter down photos of Maggy 10 days before expected delivery ;)
16.08.2010 | New pictures of our D litter girls: Dolce Vita - Dolly, Deja Vue - Pleun and De Facto Furia and of Steamy`s son: Orion Akwamaryn.
15.08.2010 | International Show in Sopot (Poland): Madra won intermediate class but most important thing is that whole polish C litter siblings, e.i. Magic, Heban and Madra, could meet again as in last year and we could take small photo session ;-)) Thank you very much for that ;-) New photos of Steamy`s son - Ekler Estilo, who was the first in junior class before our Heban.
12.08.2010 | A little bit late news and pictures from Lithuenia. Our Enormous Coen Grant showed himself on National Show in Kaunas in June and got Junior Winner and Best Junior title. Congratulations!
And on 25 July our Enormous Cherokee Chef participated in International Show in Kursk (Russia), where he got next CAC and CACIB certificates and finished adult Russia and RKF Championships. Congratulations!
08.08.2010 | Our Blaze - Enornous Blaze of Glory on National Show in Legnica (Poland) got her first CWC certificate. Congratulations!
03.08.2010 | Girls from D litter introduce themselves: Enormous De Facto Furia called Furia, Enormous Déja Vue of Aggy called Pleun and Enormous Dolce Vita called Dolly ;-)
From Italy came good news: Enormous Black Dream has excellent hips HD A!
01.08.2010 | Tomorrow D litter will be 8 weeks. In the last week besides of lots of everyday plays, we had a trip to the wood. Sunday came some new people, some of them were spoking in different language and they took us to new homes. Pleun had most impressions, cause she flied with the plane ;-) All pups and their owners we wish only gladness, health, happy moments and lots of plays. See you soon!
28.07.2010 | Steamy, Vegas and Maggy in Majka`s objective ;-)
26.07.2010 | In D pups live happens a lot ;-) We were on the meadow, we run with big dogs, we had tatoos, vaccination, chips and trip to the city. They are grate, dream mentality, may it be so.
20.07.2010 | New beautiful pictures of Conny`s great granddaughter and grandson: Korona Akwamaryn and Looker-Ruben Pine Copse.
19.07.2010 | In puppy play garden of D kids the most often guest is Vegas of course ;-)
18.07.2010 | National Show in Gdynia (Poland): our Heban - Enormous Cusco Devil - Junior Winner and Best Junior. Congratulations!
17.07.2010 | OB 0 contest in Warsaw, first one for us and what worst in 38 degree sweltering heat in noon ;-((( When not my mistakes, surely it would go better but anyway I`m satisfied with my doggies: Steamy note excellent and 85,5 points, and Vegas note very good and 71 points, cause she didn`t do hitch jump, which she saw the first time in her life, my foult, pity.
12.07.2010 | D pups are 5 weeks and show their best ;-)
10.07.2010 | International Show in Warsaw: Nemo - Enormous American Express - excellent 2 in open class, Magic - Enormous C`est La Vie - excellent 1 in juniors, Madra - Enormous Charme Madra - excellent 1 in intermediate, Dahlia - Enormous Blue Dahlia - excellent 1 in open. In comparison Madra R.CACIB.
07.07.2010 | New pictures in Dottir`s and Madra`s gallery, also official photos from World Show.
06.07.2010 | Some new photos von our girls: Dream - Enormous Black Dream and Najma - Enormous Black Magic; and of Steamy`s kids from family meeting - Oya, Obra & Osabra Akwamaryn.
05.07.2010 | Litter D is 4 weeks. Most of time pups spend on the sun and grass, we have first fights and skirmishes, we eat already normal food, and grow of course.
04.07.2010 | Shows. National in Olsztyn (Poland): our Heban - Enormous Cusco Devil - Junior Winner, Best Junior; Nemo - Enormous American Express - gets CWC and finishes Polish Championship! It is the third Champion from A litter ;-)))); Conny`s granddaughter - Zaragoza Stella Polaris - Junior Winner.
National in Bielsko (Poland): our Magic - Enormous C`est La Vie - very good 1 in juniors. Congratulations for all!
International in Genk (Belgium) - Aggy`s grandson - Romeo Estilo wins CAC, CACIB, Best of Breedy and finishes C.I.E. International Shows Championship. Babs, Guido - huge congratulations!
29-30.06.2010 | Maggy was breeded with excellent austrian black male, of working and show abilities. Expected pups will have pure german pedigree. Last 4 days we had to do 4 000 km but it was worthy, now we just wait for results of this interesting mariagge. More infos soon.
28.06.2010 | Litter D is already 3 weeks ;-) We walk, start to play with each other, have teeth and grow ;-))
27.06.2010 | World Dog Show in Herning (Danemark) again very successful for us. 91 hovis were registered from several countries, mostly scandinavian. In Junior class females showed herself Madra and in competition of 11 females from Finland, Norway, Sweden and Germany she got first place and Junior World Winner title!!!!!! In comparison with the male she became also Best Junior! In intermediate class started Vegas and she also won her class in competition of 3 females from Germany and Norway (unfortunately we have only bad quality pictures, it was dark). From 6 World Winner titles (juniors, adults, veterans both sexes), 5 went to Finland and one was for our Madra! As the only one hovawart from Poland and not from Finland she went back home with World Winner title! Successes is for our kennel even more bigger, cause for second time our females were prised with this gratest distincion, Vegas in Bratislava and Madra now in Herning. Best of Breed and Best Female went to very nice finish female, but as for me tail holding like german shepard, completely without temperament doesn`t match hovawart, it is my only small "but".
26-27.06.2010 | Aggy`s polish grandson, who lives in the Netherlands - Romeo Estilo took part in 2 events of the german HZD club and: on Saturday he passed very well with second result breeding Körung, and so he is stud male in HZD Club; on Sunday on Land Show he won champion class and finished his German VDH Championat!!! Bravo!!!
21.06.2010 | Time goes, pups from D litter are already 2 weeks. They opened their eyes, took first sun bath and had next visits ;-)
14.06.2010 | Our D - pups are just 1 week. They eat, sleep, eat again and grow ;-)
13.06.2010 | On National Show in Poltava (Ukraine) our Cherokee became again Best of Breed. Congratulations!
12.06.2010 | On National Show in Kharkov (Ukraina) Steamy`s son - Erik Estilo became Best of Breed. Congratulations!
09.06.2010 | On 6 June on International Show in Kiev (Ukraina) our Cherokee became Best of Breed and got his first CACIB. Congratulations!
07-08.06.2010 | Dottir gave birth to her last litter - D - litter. Unfortunately she`s gone as always in quality instead of quantity ;-)
06.06.2010 | International Show in Leszno (Poland): our Blaze becomes Best Junior and finishes Poland Junior Championship! Bravo! It is already third champion sister of B litter ;-)))
30.05.2010 | National Show in Płock (Poland): our Dahlia Junior Winner and Best Junior, Conny`s grandson - Zodiak Stella Polaris Junior Winner. Both finished thier Junior Championships, Dahlia in 3 shows ;-)) Madra got Best of Breed and her first adult certificate.
16.05.2010 | Busy sunday ;-) 3 national shows in Poland:
1. Inowrocław: our Dahlia Junior Winner and Best Junior, Conny`s grandson - Zodiak Stella Polaris Junior Winner.
2. Częstochowa: our Magic Junior Winner, Steamy`s son - Ditmar Frost Bonaqua Junior Winner, Best Junior, Best of Breed and finished Poland Junior Championship!
3. Jelenia Góra: our Blaze Junior Winner and Best Junior. Huge congratulations for all!
09.05.2010 | Conny`s granddaughter - Wictoria Stella Polaris passed in Germany BH exam. Congratulations!
07-09.05.2010 | Hard to believe it all... 3300 km through the whole Europe and quickly news (full report later), results of our small Vegas:
International VDH Europasieger Show Dortmund - VDH Europa Junior Winner + Best Junior, judge RZV Sepp Jais,
National Show Dortmund - intermediate class winner, certificates CAC VDH+RZV, judge RZV Helge Ludwig,
Jubilee Club Show Aarau (Switzerland) - V1/22, Club Junior Winner + Best Junior, judge Elisabeth Kapsch (Austria),
in comparison for best female of the club show (16 months old Vegas and 5 best adult females), judges: Tapio Eerola (Finland), Margit Bothur (HZD), Jürgen Krämer (RZV) - V1 Club Best Female,
comparison for Best of Breed with Best Male - Vegas BEST of BREED among 301 registered hovis from several european countries, judges Michael Kunze (RZV) and Beatrix Feix (HZD).
I`m very very thankful all the judges for such distinction!!

05.05.2010 | Some photos of Blaze from our visit in Breslau.
02.05.2010 | International Show in Łódź (Poland) with Cruft Qualification was very successful and happy for us. From the beginning: in junior class males I showed Conny`s grandson - Zodiak Stella Polaris, who won with his rival and got Junior Winnership and Cruft Quali. Then I showed our Dahlia, Vegas` sister, it was her first show and in spite of her huge temperament she showed herself perfectly and won the class with Junior Winnership, Cruft Quali and after comparison with the male also Best Junior titel! The judge was charmed with her ;-)) And it is not the end. In most occuped intermediate class and as always the youngest one, nearly 16 months old showed herself Vegas, who literally run first place from 5 females, then after comparison with adult females from open and championclass, she run for her CACIB, Best Female titel and Cruft Quali and on the end, after comparison with male from championclass and sister Dahlia from Juniors, she became Best of Breed!!! Judge described her with one world: "MARVEL" ;-)) As the breeder and owner of this brilliant female, with great temperament and excellent body, it was an honour to hear only compliments and praiseworthy words. Judge said, she could look hours long at runnig Vegas, so beautiful and dynamic she is in movement. She added, only one worthy rival for her was female from junior class, e.i. her sister; -))) Thank you very much! I`m really honoured ;-)
30.04.2010 | Litter O-Akwamaryn from Steamy and Dreamy grows very nice ;-) And new pictures of Steamy`s ukrainian kids - Darkflame Akiro & Aloha and of Aggy`s granddaughter - Fanta Estilo.
25.04.2010 | International Show in Opole (Poland): Madra in junior class with Best Junior titel, she finished her Poland Junior Championship ;-) And Blaze in intermediate class among 6 females and as always the youngest one with excellent 2. Congratulations!
17-18.04.2010 | Two international shows in Kiev (Ukraine): our Cherokee twice Junior Winner and Best Junior, he finished his Ukraina Junior Championship! Congratulations!
10.04.2010 | National Show in Nowy Dwór Mazowiecki (Poland): Madra - Juinor Winner, Best Junior and Best of Breedy! Vegas - first one in intermediate class and first adult certificate.
28.03.2010 | All Steamy and Dreamy`s pups are already in new homes. We wish lots of fun to new families and wonderful live for doggies ;-)
27.03.2010 | International Show in Luxemburg: our polish Aggy`s grandson - Romeo Jambo Ankora Estilo wins champion class, gets CACL and CACIB, thanks to he is new Luxemburg Champion! Congratulations!!!
25.03.2010 | In Madra`s gallery some next photos of growing lady ;-) In Vegas` gallery is already spring to see and real woman ;-) And our Caius in white madness on vacation in Italy ;-)
24.03.2010 | 7 weeks old Steamy & Dreamy`s kids ;-) And also Steamy`s daughter from Ukraine - Darkflame Aloha, Steamy`s son - Ditmar Frost Bonaqua and kids Elmo, Euro and Europa with mum Fanta Estilo.
19.03.2010 | In Bapaja kennel there were born next Conny`s great grandkis, this time from Iva Estilo ;-) Congratulations to proud mum and breeders and for pups we wish lots of milk ;-)
14.03.2010 | On International Show in Offenburg (Germany) our polish Conny`s granddaughter - Wictoria Stella Polaris wins most numerous open class and in competition of 6 females gets Exc.1 CAC VDH! Congratulations!
On National Show in Jarosław (Poland) Steamy`s son - Ditmar Frost Bonaqua excellent 1 in junior class. Congratulations!
10.03.2010 | 5 weeks old Steamy & Dreamy`s pups and two Steamy`s son from Ukraine - Darkflame Akiro & Allay.
09.03.2010 | HD A & ED 0/0 for Conny`s granddaughter - Niespodzianka Estilo ;-)
07.03.2010 | I added to Our litters section sum up table.
26.02.2010 | New pictures of: Steamy & Dreamy`s pups, our Cherokee, Steamy`s son (from puppy time) - Ditmar Frost Bonaqua and Conny`s grandson - Zodiak Stella Polaris.
17.02.2010 | A little bit more snow for winter Good Bye made by hovis quarter ;-))
14-15.02.2010 | Year ago in the night of 14th and 15th February our C litter pups were born ;-))) The best wishes for the first birthday from mum Dottir, sister Madra and grandma Anna, that you always be healthy, happy and beloved. That the owners were very satisfied of you and you would have always full bowl. And at all ,all the very best, grow further and be happy of dogs`unconcerned life to gladness of your families.
13-14.02.2010 | Very busy weekend for our dogs family ;-) We went to Bydgoszcz (Poland), to visit Steamy`s kids and to take part in two national shows, it was just a good snip.
On the Valantine Show Saturday morning Vegas was for the last time in junior class, she got last missed certificate and finished Junior Championship (in 3 shows), what more, she won Best Junior comparison and also Best of Breed title after comparison with champion ;-)) And everything with 13 months, such a star she is ;-)) By males juniors won Steamy`s son - Ekler Estilo, before our Heban, who needs to practise the posture more.
On the Night Show Saturday evening Madra was showed, she got also Junior Winnership and after comparison with male, Best Junior title too ;-) I`m happy, her career begins so nice ;-) By males second certificate got again Steamy`s son - Ekler Estilo before our Heban.
During the shows we visited Steamy`s kids, they grow very nice and these marks... ;-)
In the same time took place International Show in Rzeszów (Poland), where Steamy`s son - Ditmar Frost Bonaqua became Junior Winner, and Conny`s grandson - Darcius Gasko Prim was CACIB & Best Male, our Magic was second in junior class, cause she was totally out of hair ;-(
And abroad it took place parallel two shows in Kharkov (Ukraine), on national on saturday Junior Winner by males won Steamy`s son - Erik Estilo, and on the international on sunday our Cherokee ;-)
And in Warsaw Steamy`s daughter - E.T.A. Estilo passed PT 1 obedience exam for "very good" and first place among 9 dogs! Bravo!
For all huge congratulations ;-)))
12.02.2010 | Winter 2010 - what dogs need more for happiness? ;-)
11.02.2010 | Litter B on new winter photos: Dream, Najma, Dahlia and Morrus (here we wait for more ;) ;-))
10.02.2010 | Here is Steamy`s almost 11 months old son - Erik Estilo ;-)
07.02.2010 | On International Show in Eindhoven (Holland) Aggy`s grandson - Romeo Jambo Ankora Estilo, for friends Rens, got CACIB and Best of Breed, thanks to he finished his Niederlandisch Championship!! Huge congratulations for Guido & Babs ;-))
6-7.02.2010 | Our Cherokee showed himself on two International Shows in Chisinau (Moldavia), on both he became Junior Winner and on one also Best of Breed ;-)) Judges were delighted with his beauty ;-) And so he is now already Moldavia Junior Champion ;-) We are very happy and congratulate ;-)
01.02.2010 | Steamy`s next pups came to the world, their mother is beautiful of a very nice mentality Dreamy Pałacowe Piękności. Small bigs are growing very fast ;-))
24.01.2010 | Minus 20 outside and we with Maggy passed Obedience Exam 1 for "very good" note (it was to be in December but was cancelled) ;-)) We`re so so happy ;-)) And also from good news more: Maggy was examed in December in Germany for genetic eyes` diseases by president of Dortmunder Kreis and is of course totally healthy and free from all eyes` illnesses ;-)))
20.01.2010 | Some new photos of our girls from B litter (I`m veery proud of you ;-)): Dream, Najma and Blaze. Steamy`s kids grow very nice: Devon Princa Frost Bonaqua, Ekler Estilo, especially the ones in Ukraine - A - Darkflame litter, what makes happy is no anatomic foults, of colour, any white marks, double marks and so on. Way to go!
07.01.2010 | Our pups from B litter celebrate today their first birthday ;-))))))) All the best from grandma Anna, mum Maggy and sister Vegas, much health, full bowl and non-ending adoration of your families ;-) And for these who have plans for fighting on european and native show rings - we wish only victories and large rings ;-)