Enormous Eagle Wind
Enormous Easy Rider
Enormous Enfant Terrible
Enormous Enjoy the Music
Enormous Envy Me
Enormous Erato Akwamaryn
Enormous Essential Evidence
Enormous Evening Star
Parents of the "E" litter:
Father: Tacuba von der Hausbergkante (black), Austria
Austria Champion, Austria Junior Champion, BH, IPO1, ZTP, HD A1, free from genetic eye deaseses
(his parents are: ZTP HD A1 Hugo von der Spreewehrmühle and Bayern.Jun.Win. '03 BH BGH3 UPr1 FPr3 FH1 ZTP HD A1 Numi von der Hausbergkante)
Maggy von Jesses Meute (black & gold), import from Germany (Maggy`s sites)
International Show Champion (C.I.E.), Champion of Poland & Ukraina, v-ce World Winner Bratislava 2009, Polish Club Winner + BOB 2008, Best of Breed Club Show 2013 & BIS Veteran & BIS Moloss Club Show, PT 1, HD A1, free from genetic eye deaseses