Enormous Day Dream
Enormous Deep Feeling
Enormous Diamond Rose
Enormous Donna Corleone
Enormous Double Trouble
Enormous Do It Again
Enormous Do Your Thing
Enormous Drama Queen
Enormous Dream Breaker
Parents of the "D2" litter:
Father: Arne Cordis Paladin (blond), Czech Republik
Czech Champion, Czech Junior Champion, BH, FPr3, UPr3, ZOP, ZPU1, ZZO2, ZPS1, ZTP (CR), HD A, ED 0/0, free from genetic eyes diseases
(his parents are: CWC, Land Winner, BH, OB 2, ZZO, ZOP, FPr 3, UPr 1, ZPU1, ZTP (CR), HD A, ED 0/0, eyes-free Aristo Teresie Bohemia and Land Winner, BH, ZZO, ZOP, ZTP (CR), HD A, ED 0/0 Dixie Pixie z Brzaneckych Vinohradu)
Mother: Enormous Qui Pro Quo (black) (Juna`s sites)
International Show Champion (C.I.E.), Poland Champion, Poland Junior Champion, HD A, ED 0/0, free from genetic eyes and heart diseases