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Aggy`s Gallery

I'm 2.5 months old, I'm so sweet, aren't I?

Here I'm 4 months old, I've already grown a little bit up

My first half-anniversary - 6 months, I'm already almost a biiiiiiiig man :-)))

9 months, old life at the sea-side ...

11 months, oooo look missy!

15 months, I'm really lost in thoughts :-)))

2 years, winter - my element

It's my stickie!!

Do I have nice face?

Just look, how pretty I am!

Bone, this is it!

Where is my missy going?!! And why without me?!

I'm so serious

I'm sleeping, do not disturb!!!

They have awaken me again!

Sometimes, when nobody can see, I sleep on the couch ;-)))

Training, agility ... I like it!

Sometimes it's very hot on training ...

I had a proffessional photo session!!!

This is my missy's favourite photo

My first abroad show, I was only 13 months then ...

Poznan '96, I became Polish Winner and BOB, and I was in TV!!!

Huraaaaaah! I've finished Polish Championship!!!

I became European Winner and BOB!!! My missy was so proud of me!!!

And 3 weeks later, I won BIS on Molosser Clubshow in Warsaw!!!

On jubilee Clubshow in Hohenroda in Germany I was Exc3 in championclass among 8 and the highest placed blond hovawart!!!

And here's the platform on the Clubshow, we're getting the cup!

I became Polish Winner and BOB for the third time!

It's me (first from the left) with other hovis after International Dog Show in Douai '00 in France - I won CACIB and BOB!

It's me with Maria Kuncewicz winning Longchamp!!!

They made me a photo on Longchamp, cause I was BOB!

I was on the cover of Polish Kennel Magazine "PIES" as the only hovawart in Poland!

It's me with my missy

Sometimes Weronika Jurek shows me, I like her very much, once we won together Junior Handling competition!!!

Year 2000 - I looked then so

Polish Clubshow 2001, I won again ;-)))

Family meeting again, my kids and grandkids ;-)))