19.12.2024 | Conny 15 years ;-(((
18.12.2024 | Another excellent performance of our Nyx (Enormous Get a Grip): Nyx went 12/12 Qualis 3 in each elements. With First, Second, Third and 2 Fourth places out of a class of 48 dogs earning her Overall Scent Work Novice title (includes SIN - Interior, SBN - Buried, SCN - Container, SEN- Exterior). She even got first place in buried even though she only seen buried twice before the trial. She is the 6th ever Hovawart in the USA to get this title. Huge congrats and applause! <3
15.12.2024 | Websites of puppies from H litter are also ready :) How nice to see that all our this year 12 puppies have correct ears :) And here we hear only admiration for our little ones, their balanced characters and great beauty <3
14.12.2024 | Enormous Get a Grip aka Nyx passed today her Scent Interior Novice exam (Interior, Exterior, Container and Buried elements) beautifully and moved to advance level! Huge congrats!
14.12.2024 | Better late than never, websites of puppies from G litter are finally ready :) The puppies are already 8 months old, they are all healthy, good-sized and most importantly - they have great mentality, and their owners and trainers can't praise them enough. Keep it up!
09.12.2024 | Enormous Fly Me to the Moon - perfect hips HD A and elbows ED 0/0! Congratulations!
01.12.2024 | At the beginning of January we are expecting I litter from our Vera. This is her last litter and we are counting finally on blonds ;))) Only a reserve list is possible for this litter.
24.11.2024 | Exams: Kona and Zaza passed the IBGH2 exam today in the snowstorm. Kona got a very good grade, 94/100 points, with a 1/4 place, and Zaza got 82/100 points, a good grade and a 2/4 place. From judge Beata Ryl we heard about Kona that she had never seen a Hovawart (and she had seen a lot of Polish Hovis) that has such joy in working and is so focused on people. She summed it up: beautiful work, focus, contact, position. Zaza was in heat and was a bit deaf ;)))
21.11.2024 | Enormous Fine Line - perfect hips HD A and elbows ED 0/0! Congratulations!
09-10.11.2024 | Two International Shows in Poznań (Poland): our Enormous Forever Young made his show debut with his owner, winning 2 x CWC and 2 x R.CACIB. Congratulations!
09.11.2024 | Another of our dogs passed the specialized breeding tests for Hovawarts (based on the German model): Enormous Careless Whisper will be the new stud dog in Hungary! Congratulations!
07.11.2024 | Happy Birthday "G" Litter due to thirteenth anniversary!
01.11.2024 | Congratulations to Enormous Stand By Me aka Kusti for passing the BH & KK1 exam and completing the Estonian Championship! Kusti is now confirmed as Interchampion, Estonian Champion, Latvian Champion, Lithuanian Champion and Baltic Champion! Well done!
27.10.2024 | Enormous Careless Whisper won Best of Breed in Dunaújváros (Hungary) and finished his adult Hungarian Championship! Congratulations!
26.10.2024 | Special Hovawart Show Pruszków (Poland): only Kona was entered from us, because the judge was Mrs. Sigrid Darting-Entenmann, by whom Kona won the largest German Club Show ;) Of course, the judge did not disappoint, she judged as expected and Kona did not win anything ;)) I really liked the public comment of the judge that the winner of the breed has an ear fault. It is worth knowing that this does not matter at a Polish show ;) And I am most proud of the fact that Kona was the only hovawart at the show out of over 30 who did not attack other dogs or people <3
25-27.10.2024 | Five shows in Oradea (Romania): Enormous Cherry Blossom won 5 x CAC, 3 x CACIB, 4 x Best of Breed, finished Romanian Championship, Romanian Grand Championship and CIE FCI Interchampionship! Congratulations!
13.10.2024 | Enormous Block Buster once again takes part in obedience competitions, this time it is PPAK - Latvian basic obedience (something like IBGH), Lambo starts at level 3 (the most difficult) and takes 5th place out of 14 competitors. Congratulations!
13.10.2024 | National Show Nowy Dwór Mazowiecki (Poland): our Maze, e.i Enormous Hot Stuff, had her show debut, showed herself beautifully, received many compliments from judge K.Fiszdon and received the title of Best Minor Puppy :)
12.10.2024 | National Show in Sneek (Holland): Enormous Hasta La Vista had her show debut, showed herself beautifully and received the title of Best Minor Puppy :) Congratulations!
12.10.2024 | Enormous Stand By Me passed the BH exam. Congratulations!
10.10.2024 | Aggy 19 years ;-(((
06.10.2024 | Hovawart Club Show Ferrara (Italy): our 4 month old Enormous Here I Come wins the comparison and receives the title Best Baby! Also he got praise for his beautiful behavior and character from the breed judge S.Kerschner ;) Congratulations!
06.10.2024 | Land National Show Aalen (Germany): our Enormous Gin Tonic wins the baby class beautifully and receives a lot of praise, especially when it comes to her character, from the breed judge M.Jatzak ;) Congratulations!
06.10.2024 | Hovawart Club Show Bicske (Hungary): Kona wins the champion class and becomes the best black Hovawart of the show ;) Lambo is second in the champion class and wins the title of the best blonde Hovawart of the show. Judge Gabriela Höllbacher
05.10.2024 | Enormous Gin Tonic, who lives in Germany, took part in the HZD - Verhalten II puppy evalution. Lola showed herself very well, no faults were found, but her stable character and very good bond with her owner were confirmed. Congratulations!
05.10.2024 | FCI European Show Celje (Slovenia): Kona in the champion class, among 3 females, is the only one to receive an "excellent", wins the comparison and becomes the FCI European Winner 2024 and BOS :) This year, both the most important titles that can be won - World and European Winner - belong to females from our breeding ;))

29.09.2024 | International Show Wrocław (Poland): Enormous Zardis Zefir finishes the Polish Grand Championship. Congratulations!
23.09.2024 | Two new confirmed Polish Championships for our 2 girls from litter C2: Crazy in Love and Cover Girl! Congratulations!
14.09.2024 | Land National Show Aschersleben (Germany): 5 months after the birth of the litter, Zaza finishes the German VDH Championship by winning the last cert in the champion class ;)
20.09.2024 | Happy Birthday "U" Litter due to fifth anniversary!
08.09.2024 | Happy Birthday "H" Litter due to twelfth anniversary!
05.09.2024 | In the Italian kennel del Mare d'Inverno a litter of 6 puppies in all colors was born after our Enormous All in One. Congratulations!
01.09.2024 | Dottir 8 years... ;-(((
31.08.2024 | Hovawart Club Show Amstetten (Austria): Kona in the champion class, standard second place out of 5 females ;) Judge Martin Slezak.
29.08.2024 | Happy Birthday "E" Litter due to fourteenth anniversary!
26.08.2024 | Vegas it`s already 4 years... ;-(((
13.08.2024 | Happy Birthday "O" Litter due to eighth anniversary!
12.08.2024 | Happy Birthday "N" Litter due to eighth anniversary!
08.08.2024 | Happy Birthday "R" Litter due to seventh anniversary!
07.08.2024 | Happy Birthday for Lambo e.i. "B2" Litter due to third anniversary!
29.07.2024 | H puppies are 8 weeks old :) As usual, we went to the Vistula beach for a trip with my friend`s dogs that were unfamiliar to our pups. Everyone ran and played together in harmony :) We have exceeded 8 kg in weight, we are soon setting off into the big world, another puppy (the third one this year) is going to the homeland of the breed - Germany ;) We are very pleased that German breeders appreciate our dogs. Thank you! From this litter, we kept a girl with the pedigree name Hot Stuff ;) We hope that she will follow in the footsteps of her outstanding mother, she already looks like her miniature clone ;)))))
28.07.2024 | Crazy idea of going to the Hovawart Club Show in Finland... We went with two dogs, our Kona and Lambo (Block Buster), both in the champion class. Kona and I were tired and we ran badly, we took third place in the champion class behind Finnish females out of 9 females. Lambo also came third out of 11 dogs in the champion class and also behind Finnish dogs. It's great to see so many hovis in one place, it's just a pity it's so far away...
22.07.2024 | H puppies are 7 weeks old :) We went on our first trip to the meadow, we liked it a lot ;)) We had another visit and got a swimming pool with fountains ;))) We are also already microchipped, vaccinated and thoroughly examined. We are big, strong and healthy dogs :) Weight up to 7500 gr ;))
15.07.2024 | H teddies are 6 weeks old and are still having fun on the playground, even though it's over 30 degrees, they are full of energy. The appetite is also good, the weight is up to 6400 gr ;))
14.07.2024 | Enormous Cover Girl passed today successfully mentality tests in Szczecin. Thus, Luna met the requirements of a brood female. Congratulations!
12.07.2024 | Zaza and Kona have confirmed their Interchampion titles :) Kona has CACIBs from Austria, Germany, Slovakia and Poland. Zaza from Germany, Austria and Poland. Mostly from breed judges and all in competition :)

12.07.2024 | Happy Birthday "F" Litter due to thirteenth anniversary!
08.07.2024 | H litter is 5 weeks old :) It is very hot, 33-37 degrees. Puppies spend most of the day in the air conditioning, but as soon as the temperature drops a bit, they go crazy on the playground, they love hanging toys and fighting with them. They are also having a great time at home. Despite the heat, they eat well, weighing up to 5300 gr ;))
06.07.2024 | Happy Birthday "F2" Litter due to first anniversary!
01.07.2024 | H litter is already 4 weeks old :) Whenever the weather allows, we try to spend as much time outside as possible. They can now eat quite well on their own and use puppy toilet :) And they are starting to be interested in toys and themselves. Weight up to 4300 gr ;))
30.06.2024 | According to the new owners, our G babies acclimatized within a few hours, as if they had lived in their new homes all their lives. They are cheerful, sociable, brave, always hungry and willing to play. We are very happy and wish you a long, happy life <3
24.06.2024 | our H - babies are already 3 weeks old, they can eat on their own, they spend time outside and they are starting to play with each other. They are really big and strong, they weigh almost 3 kg ☺️ Look how beautiful their colors are ❤
17.06.2024 | H - seals are two weeks old ;) Their eyes are open, they love sleeping on plush toys, they can already move around quite well. Weight up to 2200 gr ;))
16.06.2024 | Happy Birthday "L" Litter due to ninth anniversary!
15.06.2024 | Hovawart Club Show Mohelnice (Czech Republic): Kona in the champion class, standard second place out of 5 females ;) Judge Gabriela Stastny.
14.06.2024 | G puppies are 8 weeks old :) As usual, we went to the Vistula beach for a trip with my friend`s dogs that were unfamiliar to our pups. We had a lot of fun, they were holding us beautifully, walked bravely, and when it was all over, they flaked out :) Our weight exceeded 8 kg, from today we are going out into the big world, literally, because the puppies will spread all over the world, two of them will live almost 10,000 km away from us ;)
10.06.2024 | Our H - mutants are one week old ;) Generally, it's boring, because all they do is eat and sleep, and they like to eat, oh, they really like to eat... They weigh "only" 1300-1400 g (this is our record ever), pups rarely weigh that much, even at two weeks old.
07.06.2024 | Molosser Club Show Riga (Latvia): our one and only Lambo - Enormous Block Buster wins a very strong champion class with the best dogs in Scandinavia, exc. 1/3 and becomes the Winner of the Molossian Club of Latvia & BOS! Big congratulations!
07.06.2024 | G pups are 7 weeks old :) We went on a trip to the meadow, it was great ;) We are already vaccinated, microchipped and thoroughly examined with the verdict fit as a fiddle :) And we already weigh a trifling only 7300 gr ;)
07.06.2024 | Happy Birthday "D" Litter due to fourteenth anniversary!
06.06.2024 | Happy Birthday "E2" Litter due to second anniversary!
05.06.2024 | Happy Birthday "A2" Litter due to third anniversary!
04.06.2024 | Happy Birthday "Z" Litter due to third anniversary!
03.06.2024 | Vercia outdid herself today because she gave birth to a record-breaking female puppy weighing a proud 740 grams! Her siblings are not worse, because they weigh over 650 g ;) H litter consists of 5 giants with super marks in a female majority ;)
31.05.2024 | And we have 6 weeks of G litter ;) The weather is not spoiling us, but we try to stay outside as much as possible and have fun on the playground. We also had a visit from Buła, an older cousin from litter D. We liked it very much, Bula less so :P We welcomed everyone with tails up and with joy :) Weight up to 6200 gr :)
27.05.2024 | Steamy seven years ;-(((
26.05.2024 | Another Dortmund show is ours and twice :)) Europasieger Dortmund: Kona won the champion class today and females comparison and she became VDH European Winner & BOS and completed the German VDH Championship (4 shows in a row)! We would like to thank the breed specialist judge, Mr. Marco Mummeshohl, for such a wonderful, flawless report <3
Enormous Do It Again (pics & movie) won the open class exc.1/4 CAC & R.CACIB! Two Enormous girls were best females :) Dania also finished the German VDH Championship at the age of only 2 years! Congratulations!
24.05.2024 | Today Kona ran another Best of Breed with the title Frühjahrssieger in Dortmund (it`s the third BOB out of three Dortmund exhibitions) :) We would like to thank breed specialist judge Gabriele Stastny, for such an excellent report <3
24.05.2024 | G babies are 5 weeks old ;) Unfortunately, it's hot :( But the playground was received very enthusiastically :) Weight is already up to 5 kg :)
24.05.2024 | Happy Birthday "D2" Litter due to second anniversary!
24.05.2024 | Happy Birthday "M" Litter due to eighth anniversary!
22.05.2024 | Happy Birthday "K" Litter due to tenth anniversary!
21.05.2024 | In the English Farmwatch kennel, 9 puppies were born after our Enormous Vision of You. Congratulations!
18.05.2024 | Enormous Classic Beauty - perfect hips HD A and elbows ED 0/0! Congratulations!
17.05.2024 | Litter G is 4 weeks old ;) The weather is nice, so we spend most of the day outside :) We can eat quite well on our own and use puppy toilet ;) And we are starting to be interested in toys :) Weight 3600-3800 gr :)
11.05.2024 | Since we are not interested in "great successes" at exhibitions in 1 on 1 competition :P, we went again to Knížecí Rybník u Tábora in the Czech Republic for the Special Hovawart Show. This time there were almost 140 entries :) To our disappointment, apart from us, there were no other hovis from Poland... I showed Kona and Aśka showed Boss. Boss had 9 super champions in the competition, winners of clubs from various countries and winner of many shows, even though he was the oldest, he ran excellently and came second! Kona, the youngest in the champions, had 7 titled competitors and also came second. Boss was judged by M.Kunze and Kona by S.Jacobs (both from RZV), so the distinction is even greater :) Full results here.
11.05.2024 | Enormous Virgo Nobilis called Jolly passed the IGP V exam today with grade "very good" and 97/90/87! This is Juna's second offspring with a passed IGP! Enormous Drama Queen has passed the IBGH 1 exam. Congratulations!
11.05.2024 | Happy Birthday "X" Litter due to fourth anniversary!
10.05.2024 | Our G - babies are already 3 weeks old, they can eat on their own, they spend time outside, they have met their older aunts and are starting to play with each other. They are growing beautifully and weigh over 2500 grams :)
09.05.2024 | Happy Birthday "J" Litter due to tenth anniversary!
03.05.2024 | Litter G is two weeks old ;) We opened our eyes on the 10th day, we are already moving quite well, we already eat meat and we weigh 1500-1600 g :)
28.04.2024 | National Show for the title of Croatian Winner: Enormous Uma Karuna once again won the champion class, exc.1/3 CAC and Best of Breed. Thus, Karuna completed the Croatian Championship and the Croatian Show Championship! Congratulations! It's amazing that all three exhibitions organized in Zagreb at WDS were won by my dogs!
28.04.2024 | World Dog Show Zagreb (Croatia) - 6 Enormous dogs from 6 countries were shown with the results: Enormous Block Buster (pictures and 4 movies) in champions exc.1/6 CAC and R.CACIB ("v-ce World Winner"), Enormous Ring Leader in champions ex.4/6, Enormous Ain`t No Saint in open class exc.4/5, Enormous Surprise Surprise in champions exc.4/7, Enormous Cherry Blossom excellent in champions and Enormous Uma Karuna (pictures and 3 movies) in champions exc.1/7 CAC CACIB WORLD WINNER and BEST OF BREED!!! Vera's children rocked out because we have a World Winner and a v-ce World Winner! Big congratulations and thanks to the owners for wanting to drive even 2,000 km one way! This is a great success of our kennel, the competition included Austrian, Polish, Hungarian, Czech, Slovak, Italian, Croatian and Slovenian dogs.
28.04.2024 | Enormous Careless Whisper passed his BH exam today. Congratulations!
28.04.2024 | Happy Birthday "S" Litter due to sixth anniversary!
27.04.2024 | National Moloss Show Bjelovar (Croatia): Enormous Uma Karuna won the champion class exc.1/2 CAC and BOS. Congratulations!
27.04.2024 | Madra seven years ;-(((
26.04.2024 | Our G babies are already a week old ;) They are growing very quickly, they have just gained a kilogram. They have beautiful colors and perfect markings, see for yourself :)
24.04.2024 | International Show at WDS in Zagreb (Croatia): our Enormous Ring Leader won the champion class and male comparison, exc.1/2 CAC CACIB BOS! His daughter Sarabi Gallant Colorit became Best of Breed! Congratulations!
22.04.2024 | Vera is expecting puppies in early June :))
21.04.2024 | In Bicske (Hungary), Enormous Careless Whisper passes the youth breeding test organized by the Hungarian Hovawart Club with flying colors under judge Michael Kunze. Congo was measured at 71 cm, leg 15 cm and chest 90 cm. He's a proper male :)
20-21.04.2024 | Four shows in Satu Mare (Romania), two international and two national, our Enormous Uma Karuna beat the competition four times and received 4 x CAC, 2 x CACIB, 4 x BOB, and became Champion of Romania :)) And she was also one time second in group and twice third in group 2! This is a great rarity for a Hovawart. Big congratulations!
20.04.2024 | International Show Lingen (Germany): Enormous Do It Again wins the intermediate class and all female comparisons and receives CAC, CACIB and BOS. Congratulations!
19/20.04.2024 | Tonight our G litter was born, consisting of 7 healthy puppies <3 The birth was quick and trouble-free, even though the puppies weighed over 600 gr and the largest one is 660! Zaza is an excellent mother and it's nice to see how brilliantly she takes care of her children <3
19.04.2024 | Happy Birthday "Q" Litter e.i. our Juna due to seventh anniversary!
15.04.2024 | Happy Birthday "Y" Litter due to third anniversary!
13.04.2024 | Enormous Do It Again passed junior breeding test Verhaltensbeurteilung III of the HZD Club in Haltern am See in Germany. Congratulations!
13.04.2024 | Happy Birthday "C2" Litter due to second anniversary!
12.04.2024 | Enormous Day Dream - perfect hips HD A. Congratulations!
06.04.2024 | Happy Birthday "T" Litter due to fifth anniversary!
01-02.04.2024 | Vera was mated to a handsome bachelor in Germany and we can't wait to see her children :))
31.03.2024 | Enormous Careless Whisper - perfect hips HD A and elbows ED 0/0! Enormous Enjoy the Time - perfect hips HD A. Congratulations!
30.03.2024 | National Show Szolnok (Hungary): Enormous Cherry Blossom - Best of Breed and top five in group II. Congratulations!
29.03.2024 | Update dzieci Kony: Follow Your Heart, For Your Eyes Only, Forever Young, Future Legend, Femme Fatale, Fine Line, Fly Me to the Moon, Free Spirit :)
23-29.03.2024 | Enormous Ring Leader took part in 11 Balkan exhibitions in Kotor (Montenegro), Neum (Bosnia) and Tirana (Albania), and became Best of Breed 11 times and took 3rd place in group II 3 times, he finished Montenegro Championship, Montenegro Grand Championship, Bosnia Championship and Albania Championship. Congratulations!
28.03.2024 | Zaza`s and Kona`s galleries were updated ;)
27.03.2024 | Today is 30 years since Hovawart appeared in my home, and it was Aggy... Such a small anniversary, no one knows how it has flown by... Once a Hovawart, always a Hovawart!
26.03.2024 | Enormous Donna Corleone - correct hips HD B and elbows ED 0/0, and also OCD negative and LTV 0 (spine). Congratulations!
23.03.2024 | Speciality Show Pécs (Hungary): Enormous Cherry Blossom - in champions exc.1/2 and Best of Breed. Congratulations!
17.03.2024 | Today we received 3 Junior Championships of the German RZV Club for Vera, Kona and Zaza :)) The distinction is even greater because our girls are the only Polish-bred Hovis with these championships ❤ And each of them has as many as 3 German Junior Championships (VDH, RZV Club and HZD Club)!!!

16.03.2024 | Enormous Zardis Zefir passed today BH exam. Congratulations!
15.03.2024 | Enormous Extra Class - correct hips HD B and elbows ED 0/0! Congratulations!
12.03.2024 | Happy Birthday "W" Litter due to fourth anniversary!
09-10.03.2024 | Two International Shows in Vilnius (Lithuania): Enormous Block Buster won all comparisons at both exhibitions: 2 x CAC, 2 x CACIB, Lithuanian Winner, Vilnius Winner and 2 x Best of Breed (6 hovs from Finland and Russia entered). Thus, Lambo completed the CIE Interchampionship and the Lithuanian Championship :) Congratulations! This is our third new Interchampion within a month!
08.03.2024 | Zaza's pregnancy has been confirmed, G litter expected around April 20 ;)
07.03.2024 | Enormous Close To You - perfect hips HD A and elbows ED 0/0! Congratulations!
03.03.2024 | International Show Graz/Premstätten (Austria): Zaza wins all comparisons in great style: exc. 1/2 CACA, CACIB, Styrian Winner and Best of Breed, with a flawless report and praise from the breed specialist judge Sigrid Pernsteiner. Thus, Zaza completed the CIE Interchampionship at exhibitions in Germany and Austria by specialist judges :)
02-03.03.2024 | Two International Shows Riga (Latvia): Enormous Block Buster won all comparisons at both exhibitions: 2 x CAC, 2 x CACIB, 2 x Best of Breed. Congratulations!
28.02.2024 | Happy Birthday "V" Litter due to fourth anniversary!
23.02.2024 | In the Hungarian kennel Alten Farben, our Enormous Absolute Extreme gave birth to 7 puppies in all three colors. Congratulations!
18-19.02.2024 | Zaza had a date with a handsome Frenchman ;) Puppies from the G2 litter are expected in the second half of April in black and gold color ;)
16-18.02.2024 | Kona took part in three International Shows Nitra (Slovakia), with the results: 3 x exc. 1/2, 3 x CAC, 2 x CACIB, 2 x BOS, Nitra Winner (as the only female), there were entered 16, 18, 20 hovis. Thus, within a week, Kona met the conditions for CIE Interchampion (Tulln, Katowice, 2 x Nitra)!
15.02.2024 | Happy Birthday "C" Litter due to fifteenth anniversary!
14.02.2024 | Enormous Cover Girl - perfect hips HD A and elbows ED 0/0! Congratulations!
13.02.2024 | Happy Birthday "I" Litter due to eleventh anniversary!
12.02.2024 | International Show in Katowice (Poland) for the title of Polish Winner and Kona's return to the rings ;) Końcia, as always, won everything she could with her brilliant movement, becoming Polish Winner 2024 and Best of Breed :) Best Male and BOS was our Enormous Valiant Equanimity :) There were 10 hovis registered from Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia and France.
08-11.02.2024 | Three International Shows in Budapest (Hungary): Enormous Careless Whisper - 3 x exc.1 CAC in intermediate class. Congratulations!
05.02.2024 | Happy Birthday "P" Litter due to seventh anniversary!
01.02.2024 | Enormous Double Trouble - perfect hips HD A and elbows ED 0/0! Congratulations!
29.01.2024 | Enormous Cherry Blossom - perfect hips HD A and elbows ED 0/0, eyes and heart - free from genetic diseases! Congratulations!
24.01.2024 | Enormous Crazy in Love and Enormous Drama Queen - perfect hips HD A, elbows ED 0/0 and OCD negative! Congratulations!
13-14.01.2024 | Two International Shows Kassel (Germany): on Saturday Zaza wins in the champion class excellent 1/2 and in comparison also CACIB, judge Petra Krivy. On Sunday, Zaza again wins champions excellent 1/2 and R.CACIB. Judge Stefan Damer. We already have 4 certs for German Champion ;)
11.01.2024 | Maggy 8 years ;-(((
07.01.2024 | Happy Birthday "B" Litter due to fifteenth anniversary! We have new pictures of Blaze of Glory <3
06-07.01.2024 | Two International Shows in Gdynia (Poland): at both, our Enormous Uma Karuna won all comparisons and became Best of Breed from two demanding foreign judges :) Karuna thus became Polish Champion! Congratulations!
04.01.2024 | Enormous Diamond Rose - perfect hips HD A and elbows ED 0/0! Congratulations!