19.12.2014 | Conny 5 years ;-(((
15.12.2014 | New pics of Join Me and Kerria.
13.12.2014 | Christmas Show for puppies in Tallin (Estonia): our Jass got very promising note and title Best Puppy ;) Congrats!
07.12.2014 | Internatonal Show Brussels (Belgium) with Belgian and Benelux Winner title: Enormous Join Me again became Best Puppy! Congrats!
National Show Wałbrzych (Poland): grandson after Erato - Docent Akwamaryn Best Male and finished Poland Championship. Congrats!
06-07.12.2014 | On two Internatonal Shows in Kiev (Ukraina) Enormous Gallant Favorit won all comparisons and became Ukraina Winner and twice Best of Breed. Congrats!
06.12.2014 | Promised pics of Luka from the show, also of Dolka and Garry. And some new of Indigo, Nutka, Bina.
29.11.2014 | National Show in Nowy Dwór: Luka my black gold had her debut, it is however a natural for her, she showed up like an old profi, stood and ran beautifully, note very promising and Best Puppy ;)) Pics will follow. Enormous Good Luck became Best of Breed, and Dolce Vita finished Polish Championship ;)) Congrats!
29.11.2014 | Enormous Face to Face passed in Austria BH exam. Congrats!
29.11.2014 | Happy Birthday "A" Litter due to eighth anniversary!
27.11.2014 | Small update by ugly ducklings - Luka and Kira :))
25.11.2014 | Enormous Imperiale Nuta du Leman got official dispasia result HD A. Congrats!
22.11.2014 | International Show in Riga (Latvia): Enormous Indigo Brilliance won all comparisons and got CACIB, Crufts Quali and Best of Breed! Judge Guenther Ehrenreich. Congratulations!
National Show in Bydgoszcz (Poland): as the first from K litter - Enormous Keep Smiling debuted in the ring, showed himself very nice, got the note very promising and title Best Baby. Judge Jan Gajewski. Congratulations!
15.11.2014 | Enormous Join Me took part in another important exhibition - Eurodogshow Kortrijk in Belgium, where by the full judges`s delight she became Best Puppy :) Congratulations!
11.11.2014 | It piled up a little bit ;) New pics of: Face to Face, Bina, Jass, Juna, Klio, Kori, Join Me, Kaya, Keeper. Thank you my Dears!!
10.11.2014 | Enormous I Have a Dream got official dispasia result HD A, ED 0/0. Congrats!
08.11.2014 | International Show in Kielce (Poland): Enormous Hot Spot - exc.1 in open class, Enormous Faro Magnifico in champions - CACIB & BOS. Congrats!
07.11.2014 | Happy Birthday "G" Litter due to third anniversary!
03.11.2014 | Enormous Indigo Brilliance got official dispasia certificate result HD A/A, ED 0/0. Congrats!
02.11.2014 | Enormous Enfant Terrible passed BH exam. Congrats!
01.11.2014 | International Show in Prag (Czech Republic): Enormous Garish Ghada won all comparisons and received CAC and CACIB, there were 41 hovis, judge Sabine Kerschner. Congrats!
29.10.2014 | Some new pics in girls` galleries: Madra, Maggy and Vegas.
25.10.2014 | European Show in Brno (Czech Republic): Enormous Garish Ghada won an international pack of 6 champion females and in comparison she received R.CACIB, e.i. such a 'la "v-ce European Winnership". Congrats!
22.10.2014 | Enormous Imagina Magica - HD A. Congrats!
18.10.2014 | International Show Poznań (Poland): Enormous Gipsy Queen - exc.2 R.CACIB. Congrats!
16.10.2014 | I know it took a long time, but finally they are ready - the galleries of Luka and Kira :))
12.10.2014 | New pics of: Bina, Klio, Kerria, Kuda.
10.10.2014 | Aggy 9 years ;-(((
06.10.2014 | Enormous Garish Ghada fully free from genetic eye diseases. Super!
05.10.2014 | Enormous Incantevole Luce passed BH exam. Congrats!
04.10.2014 | What a terrible night ... Suddenly left us Teufel; ((( The most unfair and nonsensical death that could have happened. By accident, bad luck, unfortunate circumstances. He aas so much loved, waited treasure of his Missy, the perfect puppy. We are all in shock and we aren`t able to give up for this great lost... Run free Teufel with your grandfather Conny [`].

01.10.2014 | Many pics were collected, from Club Show yet of: Erato, Faro, Good Luck, Havana, Hexa, Jass, Teufel, Bina, Juna, Join Me, Kaya. Puppies J and K diligently attent puppy school, Teufel and Klio have already completed the first stage and passed to the next grade after passing internal test very nicely ;)
29.09.2014 | Our granddaughter Debra Akwamaryn tested on displasia with results: HD A & ED 0/0. Congrats!
28.09.2014 | Hovawart Club Show Fredericia (Denmark): Enormous grandson - Brest Borówkowy Gaj - exc 1/9 in open class, in comparison Best Male, Denmark Club Winner, IHF certificate and finished Denmark Championship!! By breed special judge Eva Preisinger. Bravo Pia!
28.09.2014 | International Show Tulln (Austria): Enormous Garish Ghada - CACA & R.CACIB. Congrats!
27-28.09.2014 | Agility Eukanuba Cup Competition 2014, in LA3 Enormous Dolce Vita didn`t let down, first day: LA3 exam - 2 place/15, Jumping Open 3 place/49; second day: LA3 exam - 3 place/15; Finals Final place 5/20, from two competitions days were qualified to the final only 20 best larges. Bravo Dolka! Who will follow Dolka, who will follow her ;)))) Movies on Dolly`s site.
22.09.2014 | Enormous Finally Mine - fully free from genetic eye illnesses. Congrats!
16.09.2014 | Some owners of my puppies like to do me mischievous surprises and so I just found out that Enormous Filia Vitae for almost two months is Interchampion! On June 29 in Genk in Belgium she received another CACIB and Best of Breed, which allowed her to complete the Interchampionship CIE, and the owners were waiting for a diploma, to surprise me ;)) I am very proud of our next Interchampion and warmly congratulate so titled female!
15.09.2014 | Our grandson Docent Akwamaryn tested on displasia with results: HD A & ED 0/0. Congrats!
14.09.2014 | Hovawart Club Show Apeldoorn (Holland): our young Enormous Join Me became Best Baby in Show Nederland Hovawart Club Show out of 9 puppies, judge Kirsten Wesche. Congrats!!
14.09.2014 | Moloss Club Show with judge Michael Kunze, 35 dogs registered, pity that so few, this time I worked as a secretary, my hand was numb from the descriptions, because finally they were on the whole page ;))))))) Enormous-hovis were represented: in baby class Teufel, who wonderfully presented himself and behaved on the show, he was Best Baby of the club show and in the final BIS Baby he ran out 3rd Place!, in males open class Good Luck - 3. place, in champions Faro - 2. place, females open Hexa - 1. place, Dolly - 2. place, Havana - 4. place, champions Erato - 2. place. And grandkids: Docent Akwamaryn - 1. place in intermediate and Zodiak Stella Polaris - 1. place in champions and Club Winner. Congratulations to all and thank you very much for such a beautiful representation of our kennel!
13.09.2014 | Finally we managed to organize in Poland the review for young dogs according to the model NZB with German judge specialist. Michael Kunze accepted the invitation, and for two days he worked very hard appraising Polish hovis (we were able to describe 23 Hovis!). In the NZB took part unplanned a little bit grown up Hexa and Dolka and our grandchildren D-Akwamaryn, thank you very much for that ;) Dolka heard from judge, she would pass adult ZTP without any problems, and Docent Akwamaryn, that he was best young NZB dog :)) And the others get cracking ;)))
Thank you above all, Mrs. Krysia for mobilizing me to organizing this event and for the great involvement in the preparations. Thank you all hovawart-people who helped on the spot, without YOU this would never have succeeded. And big compliments to all the participants for a great atmosphere, for your help and for your participation. Without YOU there wouldn`t have anything sense. I hope that everyone is satisfied.
08.09.2014 | Happy Birthday "H" Litter due to second anniversary!
07.09.2014 | RZV Hovawart Club Show Wiehl (Germany): our Odin ran this time in intermediate class and got 4th place from 11 competitors. Congratulations!
01.09.2014 | Two months it took until lousy polish post finally found the xrays of our dogs, and finally we have the results of dysplasia test: Enormous Honeysuckle Faris HD A and ED 0/0, Hulaj Dusza HD A (without elbows). Thank you the owners that with 21 months actually the whole litter was examined. Unfortunately, the last dog lives in Ukraine, where there is a war and we have no news from him :((
31.08.2014 | International Show Luxembourg: Enormous Finally Mine second in champions with R.CACIB. Congrats!
30.08.2014 | We have new pics of: Rick (who passed the highest degree obedience exam in Russia OKD-1), Havana, Apasz, Jass, Maggy, Teufel.
30.08.2014 | Enormous Finally Mine passed today very well BH exam in Posen, and Indigo Brilliance in Latvia. Congratulations!!
30.08.2014 | Better late than never;) K litter introduce itself ;))) From this litter stayed at home a great rascal Kira, there is lots of fun ;)))
29.08.2014 | Happy Birthday "E" Litter due to fourth anniversary!
23-24.08.2014 | Two International Shows in Montenegro, which our Ghada participated in, by the way of the holidays her family, with the result of 2 x CACIB, 2 x BOB, Champion and Grand Champion of Montenegro. Congratulations!
16.08.2014 | Today on Moloss Show in Riga Indigo won CAC. Congrats!
16.08.2014 | Finally it worked out ;) J litter introduce itself ;))) Most of our friends already know that from J litter stayed at home my awaited blackie Luka ;)))
15.08.2014 | Backlogs. New pictures of I`m no Angel, Indigo, Odin and of beloved female their owners, the beautiful Steamy`s daughter Oya Akwamaryn.
12.08.2014 | Today I received the news that Enormous Gallant Favorit passed the BH and IPO1 exams. We are very proud and congratulations!
02.08.2014 | I know you are waiting for an update of individual toddlers, but still please be patient. We are on vacations, we were with the girls at the lake and now the direction is sea ;)) I am glad that first J-lis attend dogs trainings <3
02.08.2014 | On International Show in Zakopane (Poland) our Enormous Faro Magnifico defeated the whole fairly strong pack of males and was Best Male with CACIB and BOS. Congratulations!
18.07.2014 | K litter reached the eighth week ;)) There were again visits and a trip to a foreign forest, meeting strange dogs and people, toddlers manage that all ;)) Before them travel to their new homes, where they are awaited for a long time. Everything the best for the new dog's way of life K puppies ;))
The May two litters, 14 puppies, as many as 11 will live in the house where there are or were hovawarts!
13-14.07.2014 | Summer Agility Competition in Warsaw, we are extremely proud of Dolly - Enormous Dolce Vita, because on Saturday in the highest class A3, she run second place out of 7 dogs, and on Sunday she was first out of 9 dogs!!! And she has the first paw (points) to Champion title and is the only one hovi in Poland, who won the competition in LA3. Bravo!!!
12.07.2014 | Happy Birthday "F" Litter due to third anniversary!
10.07.2014 | Somehow we survived the heat and K litter finished seven weeks ;)) In addition to the visits, including the third time befriended children from kindergarten, there was a trip to the meadow. Puppies are already chipped, vaccinated, wormed three times and have passports. In addition to photos - lots of videos, especially for Maggy`s fans last two ;)
04.07.2014 | It came the eighth week for J litter, the time for goodbyes. This week we were in the agility training square, toddlers had another new experience. Aand at home they reveled to the whole hog with K litter. This completes our common adventure, there is full of adventures live ahead of them with new families. From reports I know they perfectly acclimatize :) I wish you only joy J toddlers, see you soon!
03.07.2014 | K litter is six weeks old ;)) The week passed on following visits and activities. As the K litter is very brave, they are doing great and run together with J litter, the little ones have a lot of fun altogether .
29.06.2014 | International Dog Show in Szczecin (Poland): Enormous Gipsy Queen excellent 2/4 in open class and fulfilled the conditions for brud female. Congratulations!
27.06.2014 | Seventh week of J litter abound in many impressions. Of course there was full of visits, but also a trip to the meadow and meeting with foreign dog. Puppies are already chipped, vaccinated, wormed three times and have passports. In addition to photos - lots of videos ;)
26.06.2014 | K litter is five weeks old ;)) Highlight of the week is a playground, which they share with J litter, so the fun is mutual as in a mirror ;) This week we have also a lot of videos. Enjoy watching ;)
22.06.2014 | At National Show in Jelenia Gora (Poland) met 7 hovis, including 5 Czech and two Polish, as many as 4 Czech girls were in the open class :) Best of Breed was Enormous Garish Ghada. We are very happy and congratulations!!
21-22.06.2014 | Great pleasure made us today Conny `s grandson - Zodiak Stella Polaris winning twice all comparisons, CACIB and Best of Breed at the International Shows in Pecs (Hungary). Congratulations!!
20.06.2014 | By J-tis there are some more photos from the 5th week and the current sixth week, e.i. the whole hog of fun for the big gang (5.5 kg weigh Jotis ;)) Seventh week ahead of us, e.i. trips :)
20.06.2014 | Updating our older puppies: staid Abwehr, dignified and how handsome Face to Face, sporting Fire Fly, dark-eyed Hulaj Dusza. Thanks!!
19.06.2014 | And K babys are four weeks ;)) They also can eat cultured and react on cue ;) They are already small hovis.
14.06.2014 | Enormous Faro Magnifico free from genetic eye diseases. We are very happy.
13.06.2014 | 5th J litter week is the puppy play ground, what to say much, check yourself, the full demolition :) And for dessert movie, each one can do so ;))
13.06.2014 | Today came very nice document from Germany, official recognition of German Championship for Madra! We are incredibly proud ;-))
12.06.2014 | And K babys reached third week ;)) The first meal from bowl went extremely smoothly ;)) Everything is new and interesting, they are learning every day.
11.06.2014 | From Finland came grate pics of Jingo - Enormous Girl for Kleion from training camp. We are very pleased that Jölli - father of G litter is still in great shape ;)))
08.06.2014 | National Show in Lahti (Finland): Enormous Girl for Kleion wins all comparisons and became Best of Breed!
06.06.2014 | We are 4 weeks old :) We can eat cultured, we are toilet-trained, come on cue and in general we are very smart ;))))))
07.06.2014 | Happy Birthday "D" Litter due to fourth anniversary!
05.06.2014 | K litter finished second week ;)) As you can see eyes are opened and we grow. Dog's and human assistants watch diligently over them ;))
04.06.2014 | Enormous Finally Mine and Honeysuckle Faris were examined for heart diseases and are completely healthy (dr Niziołek).
03.06.2014 | For all our fans and those who are not on Facebook, a little earlier than usual new photos of J band from the weekend visits of our guests :)
02.06.2014 | And today Enormous Hexa von Koeller dysplasia xray result excellent, hips HD A, elbows ED 0/0. Super!
01.06.2014 | Enormous Garish Ghada passed today czech breeding qualification "bonitation" and thus she is a new brud female with first class breeding. We are very happy with Marketa ;))
01.06.2014 | International Dog Show Leszno (Poland): Enormous grandchildren still on top - Docent Akwamaryn first time in the intermediate class and at once exc.1/2, CAC, CACIB and Best of Breed - the third in a row, and second from international show! His brother Dylan finished Junior Championship, he is the third pup from this litter with Junior Championship from 3 exhibited. Keep it up!!
31.05.2014 | Enormous I am Original completed endurance test AD. Congratulations!
31.05.2014 | International Show Neumünster (Germany): Enormous Erato Akwamaryn won the champion class and then comparisons and became Best Female with CACIB! Another Enormous, who won an exhibition in Germany ;))) Well done!
30.05.2014 | It`s already happening much ;) J litter is three weeks and they are already small hovis ;)) We learned to eat, the first fights and fracases take place, teeth grew, and every day we learn something new ;)
29.05.2014 | K litter is one week and and generally boooring, sleeping and sucking;) At pics are presented different variations of sleep: on the sister over, in a row, on mum`s paw, upside down, etc.. ;))
25.05.2014 | Hovawart Club Show Tenuta del Boscone (Italy): Enormous Incantevole Luce excellent 2/4 in intermediate class, judge Gisbert Langheim. Huge congrats!
23.05.2014 | J litter is ready with 2 weeks ;)) They are big dragons, we were outside, but it`s flatly too hot :P
22.05.2014 | And also K litter came already into world ;)) Labour as always by Maggy was trouble-free, fast and efficient. Pups and mother are in excellent condition, way to go so. All waiting for black and tan males I have to ask for another dose of patience, it was known that Maggy won`t have a dozen of them.
19.05.2014 | K litter soon comes into the world, a little patience more ;))
18.05.2014 | On the national show in Bytom (Poland) our grandson Docent Akwamaryn once again won the comparison and became Best of Breed from junior class and finished Polish Junior Championship! Congratulations!!
16.05.2014 | Our black J band is already one week old! They almost doubled their weight and we have one-kilo toddler :) Cuties ;))
11.05.2014 | International Show Dortmund, probably no one expected it, the more I didn`t, my Madra became today Bes of Breed!!!! Both Dortmunds for Enormous hovis, this hasn`t happened yet!!! Madra finished VDH German Championship!! Enormous Filia Vitae won the open class and finished Club Championship!! We already have 3 German Champions. Odin good in junior class. I can not believe it, girls Aga, Benita, thanks for everything, for all your help. Birgit, Ulrike congratulations and also kisses for helping Aga with Madra. What would I do without you ...
11.05.2014 | International Show Łódź (Poland): our grandson Docent Akwamaryn became Best of Breed from junior class! Enormous-hovis Grand Prix and Dolce Vita exc.1 in open classes. Congratulations!!!
10.05.2014 | European Show Dortmund (Germany), as every year, with our Enormous-hovis and once again Dortmund is our year after year! This time Enormous Filia Vitae became VDH European Winner and further also BOB!! She also got Crufts Quali. Fenja thus completed the adult VDH Championsship. We are soooooooooooo proud :))))) Our Madra went in the champion class, out of hair took second place out of 3 females and received another certificate for German Champion. And in juniorsh Enormous Ilian Odin was running out third place. Thank you all for your help and for those of our common success! 3 our girls are VDH Europe Winners ;))))))
10.05.2014 | Enormous Garish Ghada passed today with excellent note training exam ZOP! Congrats!!
09.05.2014 | Completely unexpectedly came to the world today so long-awaited J litter! Labour was easy but long, babies and mom are doing great. We are a little surprised by the amount of blackies, but in the end it was the goal, to have them many. They are pitch-black and do not have a single white hair on their chests.
08.05.2014 | Enormous Hokus Pokus and Hoydenish Girl completly free from hip dysplasia HD A! Thank you!
08.05.2014 | We are drawing to a close, J litter comes soon into the world ;) Maggy also looks flourishingly and feels even better ;)
On facebook will be put infos surely the fastest thanks to our assistant ;)
06.05.2014 | Enormous Gallant Favorit became father second time, this time of 13 pups! Congrats ;)
06.05.2014 | New pics of Nutka :)
03.05.2014 | Enormous Ilian Odin passed with flying colour his first breeding exam in Germany - Verhalten III :) We are so much proud, Ulrike is very happy with his wonderful character.
National Show Talsi (Latvia): Enormous Indigo Brillance first time in show, note excellent, Junior Winner. Digo also participated in a presentation about breed history and characteristics at the Riga Pet Expo 2014 :)
27.04.2014 | International Show in Opole (Poland): Enormous Faro Magnifico once again wins CACIB and BOS this time. A lot of joy has given us Docek, e.i. Docent Akwamaryn, our grandson after Erato, who performing in the most filled junior class run in a beautiful style note excellent 1 from 4 and Best Junior. Docek you chase your sister Debra! Super.
And in Lingen (Germany), our very young Enormous Ilian Odin in the junior class got SG3. I keep my fingers crossed for the next performances soon ;)
26.04.2014 | International Show in Lahti (Finland): Enormous Girl for Kleion wins CACIB. Owners do not have access to network, so it`s all I know ;( But I am very happy and congratulate!
25.04.2014 | Miracles happen ;))) This year seems to be much more happy for us in breeding activity, after unlucky, unrealized attempts of coming into the world Maggy`s last litter last year and after obtaining special permission from the Breeding Committee of Kennel Club, we can finally rejoice, Maggy is in whelp and expects about May 21 K litter. Future mother feels just great. Many warmest thanks to Erika for all her help :)

23.04.2014 | Today we present the first facial image of a J litter baby in the mom womb ;) More pics of pregnant "woman" on the J litter subpage.
19.04.2014 | International Show in Goes (Holland): Enormous Finally Mine wins comparison and becomes Best of Breed with CACIB. Congrats!
15.04.2014 | Enormous Happy Hacker - new pictures and movie. Enormous Ilian Odin - new pictures and movie.
14.04.2014 | Enormous Dolce Vita - free from genetic eyes diseases ;)
14.04.2014 | Today we received certificate from Lithuania with the date 11.04.2014 confirming that Enormous Happy Hacker is completely free from hip and elbow dysplasia - HD A and ED 0/0. Congratulations and thank you very much :))
13.04.2014 | National Show Częstochowa (Poland): Enormous Faro Magnifico - won comparisons and Best of Breed :)
National Show Lublin (Poland): Enormous Hot Spot - won comparison and Best of Breed :) Congrats!
Such a nice weekdn, 4 National Shows and 4 Best of Breeds, cause in Grudziądz and Inowrocław both shows won young Dylan Akwamaryn, son of our Erato ;)))
12.04.2014 | Enormous Faro Magnifico passed today exam BH with very good result. Congratulations!
10.04.2014 | Enormous Feeling Good got official HD result ;) Owner of Enormous Fired Up has sent information, that also Firo is free from HD. So we can state that whole 11 pups F litter is HD free. Thank you!
08.04.2014 | Enormous Gallant Favorit became father for the first time, litter was born in the Ukraine ;) From 6 puppies 4 are blond ;)) We wish lot of health and milk ;)
07.04.2014 | New pics of: Dolka, Faro (his father`s Kalisto clon), Gallant, Havana, Heca .
06.04.2014 | National Show Zabrze (Poland): Enormous Faro Magnifico - Best of Breed, there were 7 hovis. Bravo!
International Show Belgorod (Russia): Enormous Enfant Terrible - CACIB & Best of Breed. Congrats!
31.03.2014 | The best birthday gift ever: we expect pups in May!
30.03.2014 | International Show in Berlin: Enormous Erato Akwamaryn excellent 1/2 in Champions ;) Congratulations!
29.03.2014 | Mashka (Enormous Finally Mine) also passed mental tests with flying colours and we have new brud-female ;) Congratulations!
27.03.2014 | Today is 20 years, since hovawart appeared in our home :) On this occasion gifts will come out soon for breed lovers ;))
24.03.2014 | Next good news: Enormous Hot Spot - HD A & ED 0/0, e.i. excellent hips :) Congrats!
22.03.2014 | Great show in Russia - Eurasia (over 13 000 dogs, including 28 hovis) and how nice surprise did us Enormous Enfant Terrible, by finnish judge he won champion class exc.1/3, and then comparison and became Best Male, Champion of Eurasia, received CACIB and Cruft nomination :) We swell with pride ;) Bravo Olga! And Best of Breed was daughter of our Enormous Baas Annel ;))) Congratulations!
21.03.2014 | Pictures new and beautiful: Erato, Rick, Foxy, Mashka, Gallant, Ghada, Hot Spot, Odin, Ori ;)
16.03.2014 | Dolly (Enormous Dolce Vita) our sportswoman passed mental tests with flying colours and we have new brud-female ;) Congratulations!
08-09.03.2014 | Two International Shows in Donetsk (Ukraine): Enormous Gallant Favorit gives once again chance to competition, he wins twice CACIB and Best of Breed, and he was 4th on Best of Group. Thus he ends Championship of Ukraine! Congratulations!
08.03.2014 | National Show in Włocławek (Poland): Enormous Hot Spot goes like a bomb, once again wins junior class, becomes Best Junior and BOS - Best of the Opposite Sex. Thus ends the Polish Junior Championship! Congratulations!
02.03.2014 | We start from good news of H litter: Enormous Havana Hermosa - HD A, e.i. excellent hips :) Congrats!
01.03.2014 | International Show in Drzonków (Poland): Enormous Erato Akwamaryn after won comparison became Best Female with CACIB, but biggest surprise made her one-year-old daughter Debra, who won junior class among 4 females and all comparisons and became Best of Breed! Bravo Dorota, huge congrats! Debra finished thereby Junior Championship in 3 shows ;)
International Show in Groningen (Holland): Enormous Finally Mine - excellent 2 in champions and R.CACIB. Congratulations!
22.02.2014 | International Show Fribourg (Switzerland): Enormous Imperiale Nuta du Leman became again Best Junior, what allowed her to complete the Junior Championship of Switzerland! Well done Mona & Nuta! We are proud of You :))
21.02.2014 | New pictures of: Coen Grant, Happy Hacker, Havana Hermosa, I`m no Angel, Incantevole Luce, Ilian Odin.
15.02.2014 | International Show in Rzeszów (Poland): Enormous Hot Spot wins junior class and gets next champion certificate. Congrats
15.02.2014 | Happy Birthday "C" Litter due to fifth anniversary!
13.02.2014 | Happy Birthday "I" Litter due to first anniversary!
10.02.2014 | Every x-rayed dog with excellent result is for me huge happiness: Enormous Gallant Favorit and Gipsy Queen - HD A and ED 0/0. Congratulations and thank you ;) Litter G - 8 of 9 puppies are already tested and all with excellent results, we are waiting for Gimme ...
31.01.2014 | New pics ofi: Face to Face, Hokus Pokus, I am Original, Imagina Magica, Imperiale Nuta, Indigo. Thanks!!
09.01.2014 | General statistics are ready.
07.01.2014 | Happy Birthday "B" Litter due to fifth anniversary!
05.01.2014 | For many years I carry out in the polish version statistics for polish hovawarts. I found some time to translate them, today there are ready statistics of born litters and shows in the years 2002-2013. Soon general statistics. Enjoy reading ;)
03.01.2014 | In the most recent Kennel Club magazine DOG is an article from Moloss Breeds Club Show and up to two pictures there are us with Maggy from won two Best in Shows ;) Hovis community is proud of us that hoho!
01.01.2014 | New Year, new plans ... I hope to come true, that I wish us all ... For us personally is 17 puppies to x-ray, I hope that we manage that as always ;) And that long-awaited pups arrive to our home, I suppose all shall be happy because I planned nice matings (so it seems to me at least ;)) Thank You - members of our family and the future ones for the trust, for your patience and for meeting my requirements. And my favorite quote at the end: "Good dog will defend itself." Constant motto for next year ;)