Hip - dysplasia: HD A (0/0)
Elbows: ED 0/0
Eyes: free from genetic eyes diseases
Heart: free from genetic eyes diseases
DM (Laboklin): tested
Mentality tests: passed (PL)
Training: PT 1 (Obedience Dog)
One of the most wonderful Hovawart females in Europe.
VDH European Winner & BOB - Dortmund 2013
World Junior Winner & Best Junior - Herning 2010
Club Winner and Best of Breed 2010 & BIS 3
Interchampion C.I.E. FCI
German VDH Champion
Luxembourg Champion
Slovenia Champion
Poland Champion
Poland Junior Champion
Frühjahrssieger Dortmund & BOB 2014
Luxembourg Winner 2012
6 x CACIB (Cracow`10, Druskininkai`11, Białystok`11, Luxembourg`12, Dortmund`13, Dortmund`14)
R.CACIB = CACIB (Druskininkai`11)
8 x CWC
4 x CAC
1 x CACL
6 x BOB
3 x Junior Winner
4 x Best Junior
V1 FCI European Dog Show Celje 2010
Cruft Qualification - Luxembourg 2012
Poland Best Puppy - Poznań 2009
Madra - daughter of Dottir and Gajus, one of the best stud-males in Germany, who gives escellent, healhty, of good menatlity and also beautiful offspring. Her name means in keltic "a dog", and that she "charme" is - charming and glamorous, it is naturally understood ;-) Madra was living her first 15 months with her mum Dottir by Mister Justyn and Miss Ania, visiting us regularly to have some training and asassimilation with rest of the hovis herd, and since July 2010 she lives by us permanently, in order to she could fully develop her energy ledge and inborn attributes. Madra is a very strong mentally female, although in our herd, she is on the end of the hierarchy because of her age. She`s very hard, tough, she is huge individualist (as her grandfather Aggy), but she can be very cajoling and expand her feelings. On walkings she goes always as the first, never accosts anyone and she is completely neutral for all cyclists, walkers and strange dogs.
Physically she is a female of uncommon strong bone, wide body, dark eyes and beautiful gold marks. On shows she started to follow Vegas, she finished Polish Junior Championship quickly, winning also Best of Breeds and in June 2010 at the age of 16,5 months on World Dog Show in Herning in Danemark she became World Junior Winner and Best Junior, whipping 11 competitors from Germany, Norway, Sweden and Finland. In September 2010 Madra became Club Winner and Best of Breed with only 19 months, additionally she got third place in finals BIS what is very rare for our breed. On the end of September 2010 she was shown on two shows in Celje (Slovenia), Hovawart Club Show and FCI European Show, on both she won intermediate class by german judges, what allowed her to get adult Slovenia Championship. We planed to finish aduld Polish Championship on 11th December 2010 and we managed that, with nearly 22 months and 6,5 months interval. In March 2012 she finished Show Interchampionship CIE, she became also Luxembourg Champion. Year 2013 is one trip to Germany and how successful - Madra became VDH European Winner and Best of Breed in Dortmund, she has also already 3 certificates for German Champion and lacks only the time to finish it. In August 2010 Madra was examined for hips and elbows displasia, both results excellent. In April 2011 Madra was examined in Germany towards eyes diseases, and in May 2013 towards heart diseases - she is fully healthy, owns european certificates. In May 2012 she passed PT1 (polish obedience) exam. In year 2013 Madra finished adult German Championship with title Frühjahrssieger Dortmund and again Best of Breed ;)
In September 2012 Madra has born her first litter, whose father is german Zerberus vom Fleischereck. Puppies prospects very promising, on two shown pups we have Poland Champion, two Junior Champions and Junior Club Winner ;) Second litter is expected in year 2015.
We hope that her further career runs as good as so far, both in shows and trainings.