Hip - dysplasia: HD A1 (0/0)
Mentality tests: passed (PL), TAN (Fr)
Training: Obedience Dog I, IPO 1
The most titled dog in Poland and one of the best Hovawarts in Europe.
Interchampion FCI
Polish Champion
Luxembourg Champion
German VDH Champion
German RZV Klub Champion
VDH - European Winner & BOB`98
v-ce FCI - European Winner`00
v-ce German Winner`98
Luxembourg Winner & BOB`00
France - Longchamp Winner & BOB`00
3 x Poland Winner & BOB
PL Club Winner & BOB & BIS`98
PL Club Winner`01
Hovawart Ranking Winner in France`2000
2 x BIS, BOG, 4 x v-ce BOG, 37 x BOB, 23 x CACIB (from 5 European countries)
8 x R.CACIB (from 3 countries)
57 x CAC/CWC/CACS/VDH/CK/CACA (from 10 countries)
Winner of Special Hovawart - Shows in Germany and France
2 x PL Championshow Winner + BOB (once v-ce BOG)
Junior Winner
Aggy has French Breed Recomendation: "Excellent - for breeding recomended" - 4 points/4 (max.) and their character test TAN - also for "Excellent". The only one Hovawart in Europa that doesn`t come from german-spoken countries, with double German Championship and an international breeding licence of IHF (International Hovawart Federation)! In the year 2005 Aggy received, thanks to his prominent offspring, french breeding ELITA A clasification!!! It`s the highest possible breeding achievement, so valuable for a stud-dog and confirmating his breeding standard.
Aggy has already gone for "dog`s pension", what doesn`t interfere him being proud of his offspring in Poland, Belgium, Canada, France, Hungary, Norway and in Sweden. He also keeps his fingers crossed for his grandkids in Poland, Belgium, France, Germany, Holland, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia and in USA. What an international company ;-)
As always Aggy is proud of his titled offspring: 27 titles of Polish Champion and Polish Junior Champion, Interchampionship, France and Luxemburg Championship, FCI European Winnership `00, France Club Winnership `04, 4 Polish Club Winnerships, 3 Polish Club Junior Winnerships, France Club Junior Winnership, Poland Winnership and 5 Poland Junior Winnerships!Aggy is also a grandfather of Interchampion, 15 Polish Champions, German VDH Champion, France Champion, 2 Luxemburg Champions, Lithuania Champion, 3 Russia Champions, 2 Ukraina Champions, 2 Byelorussia Champions, 2 Slovenia Champions, 8 Polish Junior Champions, Russia Junior Champion, Moldavia Junior Champion, World Junior Winner `10, France Club WInner + BOB `05, Poland Club Winner + BOB `07 `10, v-ce FCI European Winner `03, FCI European Youth Winner `08, Holland Club Junior Winner `05, Holland Junior Winner `05, 2 Russia Winners `08 and Polish Club Winner `04.
Moreover many dogs with Obedience trainings, some with IPO (also grandkids) and with breeding qualifications, thanks what Aggy will stay forever in pedigrees of polish and european hovis, especially that more then half of breeders that has used him in breeding, has left for further breed at least one of his offspring. He is the father of 13 stud-males and 15 brud-bitches in few european countries. Till year 2010 in whole Europa there were already born 31 litters Aggy`s grandkids and 31 litters great grandkids!!
Aggy passed away to better world in year 2005 ;-(((( Fortunately we have Aggy`s frozen sperm that waits for better times (only for selected females) ;-)))
I would like here to thank all that have heart my request regarding to presenting their hovis on the shows. I`m very glad that there is You always more. I wish you many success and Good Luck!